Automation Updating Of Records


Staff member
We can update records based on data we collect from multiple sources.

An issue may arise if one of our customer deletes a record that our automation script will try to update. This will fail as the record won't exist. So we can either let the script fail or I can create a new record and save the data to it.

What does everyone think?


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Super Moderator
Staff member
I think an example would help. In the script is there a check "if record exists/does not exist, then". ?
I think others also might need an example. I'm trying to think what data collected might be not useful
and they'd delete that record.

For example (trying to think of one) I have a data grid of all my posts in WordPress from 2 sites pulled in together.
Some of them I notice need more 'filling' so I update them online and the automation updates the list of POSTS in
my software.
I don't like one of the articles so I delete it from the software. The automation is still going to grab ALL the posts and
because I delete the old post it can't update it so the whole automation fails at that point?

If my understanding is correct then I think it's better to create a new record and save the data to it. Is that right?


Staff member
I think an example would help. In the script is there a check "if record exists/does not exist, then". ?
I think others also might need an example. I'm trying to think what data collected might be not useful
and they'd delete that record.

For example (trying to think of one) I have a data grid of all my posts in WordPress from 2 sites pulled in together.
Some of them I notice need more 'filling' so I update them online and the automation updates the list of POSTS in
my software.
I don't like one of the articles so I delete it from the software. The automation is still going to grab ALL the posts and
because I delete the old post it can't update it so the whole automation fails at that point?

If my understanding is correct then I think it's better to create a new record and save the data to it. Is that right?

People delete stuff accidently some times. In any case, it is something we should plan for because it may happen. Trying to figure out why your customer got a error will be extremely difficult if it does happen.

If your script updates a record or say a spreadsheet/document record, it will fail if the record doesn't exits. There isn't anything to update. If you are creating new records then it will never fail.

I was going to create a new record if one didn't exist in order to keep the script from failing. I wanted some feedback just in case I didn't think of something. Then if the script is ran again it will update that record I created unless it too is deleted.

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Super Moderator
Staff member
I hope others are reading and will give you some feedback too :) Sorry, it's only me responding as it's pretty late there in the US.