Browsers add on and Hyperlinks don't seem to follow into the build.


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Staff member
I made a new program with only a browser in it. I made the build and on first program install, the browser worked. It is called Help in the menus and is a singleton form. I make changes or additions in ESB5 by adding a new grid and text field and make a new build. Uninstall the first program, and install the new version of the build, and there are 2 Help in the menu, but no browser in either. The new text field addition in the grid form show up. Uninstall build 2. Use ESB 5 to add more to the grid form and make build 3. Install build 3 and now Help is only in the menu once, but no browser. The additions in the gridform are there as should be. If I uninstall build 3 and then go and delete the TSbuilder.esb file (in C:\Users\admin\AppData\Local\Tiger Software\TS_be0f0cc9-4368-4ae8-bf29-a4bf70ae5573) for the program and then install build 3 again, everything is there, including the browser. But of course any data I entered is gone because it created a new database.

So hope this helps you Thomas.

Mike M.