Odd 24 limit in list..Over 25 it disappears?!


Super Moderator
Staff member
Morning Thomas,
I just discovered when i add to a text box list over 24 items it suddenly becomes weird and
no list or items appear...but if you delete ANY in that list to bring it back to "24" then its ok.

I have made a video that shows this. --> https://somup.com/c0lv0IkqvP
Heres my Form with the editors:
The video will help explain it. Strange. (i am waiting for lower denture so my voice
would be lispy & weird so i have not recorded it :p )


Staff member
Hey Robbie...

You're clicking on different records. You clicked on Yahoo and the categories were all there. When add an additional category (25th), does it appear when you click the Yahoo record again?

What type of relationship is Weblinks and Weblinks Category. Looks like one Category can have many weblinks.

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In the image above that's the 'one to many' arrow relationship. I even changed it to 1 to 1 to see what happens.No difference.

Here is a new video --> https://somup.com/c0lwejkq4j
All i am doing it going through the list of weblinks and adding a category (or I should name it as "type") and some links
are YouTube videos, or airlines or Facebook, websites, etc...
You can see me in the video just adding randomly (instead of from top to bottom as I am reading the descriptions so i can see"ahhh.. here's an airline link, that's all).
At the end, I added a "SEARCH" type ( which Google and Yahoo would be in that category) but it added it, yes...but the moment I went to add another category type to a different weblink it brought that odd blank SEARCH type box...and the list was at 25 ( added search).
So seems odd. I hope the video is clear. I'm lost in knowing why.
I have a few category forms linked in my Project....for example: Documents and a Category for those.
The reason they have been okay (spreadsheet,pdr, diagrams, etc) is that I haven't got more than 10 categories...I can't think of any more lol.

What I'll do now is create 24 Word Document categories and see what happens then create a 25th Word doc category...
I'll let you know. You keep going on what you're doing and I'll sus this out. :)
Thank you,


Super Moderator
Staff member
there's some kind of 'LIMIT' of 25.
I went to the diagrams...added 20 categories as there were 3 there. So 23 categories.
Changed the only diagram i had with a different catgory and done that about 5 times.
Saved and looked completely fine. Then i added ONE more category (24) and changed it a
few more times to different categories...all ok.
Added a 25th Category and then went to change the only Diagram record to a different one and
the same limit.
1. list of 24 cat's before i add another one. --->https://prnt.sc/PYYF7N7_MFBK
2. Changing record to one of these--> https://prnt.sc/L-JGu__FFUnl then https://prnt.sc/CfFlw6xvb4Jr
with no probs....--> https://prnt.sc/CVMoTNGfGTpQ
3. Adding a 25th cat--> https://prnt.sc/RlKdaPVQlg0z then (it saves fine no warnings)
but when trying to change it from cccccc to the 25th...
there are NONE. ---> https://prnt.sc/m4zkz_toffA6 then https://prnt.sc/-qoIqCEBuaVW

Can someone else try (after New Year i mean lol 🥳🤗🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️


Super Moderator
Staff member
Yeah, was an odd one. Seems to be ok. I was importing the list at first but input them one-by-one on a new project and re-install on esb so I think that's ok too..I always have the weird ones because i make them 😅 lol


Staff member
Yeah, was an odd one. Seems to be ok. I was importing the list at first but input them one-by-one on a new project and re-install on esb so I think that's ok too..I always have the weird ones because i make them 😅 lol

Did you send me your project file? I don't remember. If it continues to happen then send over your project file and I'll take a look at it.
