user list editor


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Could we have a userlist editor so the customers can add thier own items to the drop down list. Thank You Thomas πŸ™‚ Ps: I would assume that the new editor would be available to access in automation like any editor... so we can populate it via Web or APIl thx, Robbie


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Chatgpt suggested some editor names πŸ˜†
ListMaker UserList AddToDrop DropList DropLister DropMenu UserAdder ListCreator EntryDrop DropCompiler UserComposer ListLiner AddLineDrop UserLineList ListAssembler DropDesign UserEntryBox DropCatalog ListDropBox UserListItem

well, it tried lol


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unless someone else can post in if they think they would use that?
I guess the may be a time when we could add them through an api automation.. if have to think about that πŸ€” πŸ’­ <-- cloud is my brain process right at this moment, blank πŸ˜†


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I was wondering Thomas if you thought this userlist editor would be a good idea, when done, to add it to DBExtreme?
Mel might have some fields in her database for clients that might be drop downs like different rates and some rates might not
be exact for them so the customer can add their own rate (if it was, say, a DB that showed CB products and have sales at different
price points. There'd be a set/list of prices or rates she'd have in the DB drop-down but I'm sure someone would ask, "What about this rate"
Rather than Mel ( why am I picking on Mel πŸ˜†) redo the software and get them to redownload the added rate she can let the customer add
their own. :p
I'm just looking at DBExtreme over the weekend, along with PDFExtreme and some API stuff...just thought I'd add this before my brain forgets too πŸ˜…

I should have mentioned that it wouldn't be needed for the other extreme apps..but as you made this mini DB extreme it
would suit being in THAT as well. That was my thinking.

Mel Bel

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Disclaimer: I had nothing to do with this wishlist request and cannot be held liable for any damage or irritation due to the nature of the request.


Staff member
All property editors that I add to ESB will automatically be added to DBXtreme.

You (Mel) won't be able to update the options in future releases as it would screw up the user defined options.

Appreciate how you threw Mel under the bus. Well done!

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All in fun, was meant as because Mel and Joan are always doing PLR stuff and I remember a comment about her saying her customers ask that so I used her example of a use-case, is all. Your first line answered my question.
And I haven't met Mel or Joan yet lol but from Aileen, her sisters, and all the other petite Filipinas there I
think she 'got' it lol as Aileen says she is so small as well, I like though haha.
With all the hell going on in the world with wokeism, leftist Marxism, shootings, and protests, Ukraine, Israel, the Middle East....
just needed bit a of cheeky humor to lighten the post..sorry it if came out wrong ^_^

Mel Bel

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I thought it was funny. We are in the top 5 of smallest people in the World, so it is what it is. Lol.

Just don't ever call us "shrimps". Ask Aileen why. :)


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Yeah agreed, Thomas and Mel 😊
We're like a family and have come a long LONG way over these years and I am glad to have
met (here) and worked with you all (and will continue so).
I agree Thomas, it's good to have a bit of laughter and it is good for stress relief and comradery.
Hopefully, at some point in the future, we're all gonna meet on some beautiful beach in the
The Philippines πŸ˜…πŸ‘πŸ™ (Palawan anyone haha).
Shrimps? That sounds bad. I will ask her, and see what she says but nothing but respect to ya.
Robbie. 😊


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I am working on my TripManger and I realize that this editor will fix the import and this 25-limit thing...although
I can't get it to do the limit now 🀣
My problems have been having a separate form for the dropdown/add-to list and connecting it to my Weblinks form with a one-to-many
(for reasons of having the 'new' to add new categories etc) and because it's not part of the main links form. This is why, when trying
to import via CSV, that's why it doesn't appear in the mapping of CSV items in the import.
This will be great.
Do you think this editor would make the next update Thomas?
(ps i want to go back to schmutly....schmutlyBOT is annoying me now πŸ˜…πŸ˜†)


Well-known member
I also come across this limitation and would like to provide the users to create their own values for the combo property. This feature will provide the end user more control of adding their our items.


Staff member
I'm concentrating on Automation right now. I haven't looked at this editor to see how easy it would be to add or how it impacts updating programs.

After automation I need to look at the bugs posted and fix them.

Then I will look at wishlist items but won't hold up releasing the next update over a wishlist.

As good as I am, there will probably be things you find that need fixing in the next update that will need immediate attention.

I will post a response if I am able to add it. ;)



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agreed, sorry Thomas you're right. There are 100 other things I can keep testing.
keep doing what you're doing boss, I need a SLAP 😬🀐🫑