AI script type app... beat me to it lol


Well-known member
It is something you may look at, Thomas. I am unsure of the direction that technology is leading us. You can generate a 50-page eBook in half an hour with "script atlas." This is something for those of us for whom English is our second language.


Staff member
It is something you may look at, Thomas. I am unsure of the direction that technology is leading us. You can generate a 50-page eBook in half an hour with "script atlas." This is something for those of us for whom English is our second language.

Eyasu, do you need to sign up for ChatGPT in order to use that ScriptAtlas website?




Well-known member
Eyasu, do you need to sign up for ChatGPT in order to use that ScriptAtlas website?


It is not on the website; ScriptAtlas is stand-alone software you install on your computer. It is tailored whereby you use ChatGPT, Bing, Google, and others to organize and rewrite whatever you want. Indeed, it is more powerful than what I expected for $37. Please don't forget to use my affiliate link in case you decide to purchase. Thank you for your help.
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Staff member
It is not on the website; ScriptAtlas is stand-alone software you install on your computer. It is tailored whereby you use ChatGPT, Bing, Google, and others to organize and rewrite whatever you want. Indeed, it is more powerful than what I expected for $37. Please don't forget to use my affiliate link in case you decide to purchase. Thank you for your help.

Thanks Eyasu, I didn't realize it was installed on your computer. I wouldn't be interested in purchasing because I can build something similar myself.


Mel Bel

Super Moderator
Staff member
Script Atlas is a desktop software and is more of an organizer than anything else. It comes preloaded with prompts, but you can add your own and also add "snippets", which is content or prompts you save to include with other prompts when you are in ChatGPT inside the software.

As for ChatGPT, SA has an embedded browser so you can use ChatGPT inside the software when running some step-by-step "scripts" that basically provides a prompt formula for different kinds of content, like blog posts, video sales letters, emails, etc. People go through the steps and get a custom prompt for whatever it is they are wanting, and then they can copy and paste it inside ChatGPT inside the software. Pretty simple stuff actually.

After ChatGPT does its thing, then the output can be loaded into the "Script Editor", which is just an html editor, and you can format the output how you like, add photos from Unsplash, etc., and then post the finished article directly to WordPress from inside the software. You set up your WordPress login beforehand by creating a user "Application Password".

It has some other tools in there that are primarily accessed through APIs, different image sites, text-to-speech, speech-to-text, etc.

From what I've seen, ESB will be able to create similar software.



Staff member
Script Atlas is a desktop software and is more of an organizer than anything else. It comes preloaded with prompts, but you can add your own and also add "snippets", which is content or prompts you save to include with other prompts when you are in ChatGPT inside the software.

As for ChatGPT, SA has an embedded browser so you can use ChatGPT inside the software when running some step-by-step "scripts" that basically provides a prompt formula for different kinds of content, like blog posts, video sales letters, emails, etc. People go through the steps and get a custom prompt for whatever it is they are wanting, and then they can copy and paste it inside ChatGPT inside the software. Pretty simple stuff actually.

After ChatGPT does its thing, then the output can be loaded into the "Script Editor", which is just an html editor, and you can format the output how you like, add photos from Unsplash, etc., and then post the finished article directly to WordPress from inside the software. You set up your WordPress login beforehand by creating a user "Application Password".

It has some other tools in there that are primarily accessed through APIs, different image sites, text-to-speech, speech-to-text, etc.

From what I've seen, ESB will be able to create similar software.


Interesting how they are using a browser to connect. Guess it keeps people from having to register for the api. I briefly looked at it and it just seemed like they put together a bunch of copy and paste prompts that people can click on. Not a bad idea, I guess.

I have EasyDoco connecting to Wordpress the same way. Create a user Application Password and then you can access the blog through the Wordpress Rest API.

Is this a popular program?


Mel Bel

Super Moderator
Staff member
Interesting how they are using a browser to connect. Guess it keeps people from having to register for the api. I briefly looked at it and it just seemed like they put together a bunch of copy and paste prompts that people can click on. Not a bad idea, I guess.

I have EasyDoco connecting to Wordpress the same way. Create a user Application Password and then you can access the blog through the Wordpress Rest API.

Is this a popular program?

Joan made a lot of sales promoting it, but he didn't really recruit affiliates for it. It was very popular with Joan's customers, yes. They like organizer type software, and people generally are sick of paying for OpenAI API access, so that was a big plus being able to use it directly with ChatGPT and have all those prompts neatly categorized.

Some sellers are charging monthly and yearly subscriptions for their apps or software, and that doesn't include the costs for the OpenAI API, so this one-time payment and no additional costs was a winning combo.


Super Moderator
Staff member
See..told ya šŸ˜… thread title. He took my idea (actually I had the same idea for images too)
As Mel said I am (and you all know me) COMPLETELY confident I can make a similar app and
had put together all the APIs for text, voice, images, and scripts and made this with ESB.
The thing is though.........what we have (in ESB) is FAR more powerful, truly.

Here's why. His system with ALL his software (and I have most) has this feature to save those searches, tables
and research/ scraped content to a text, CSV,xls, pdf, etc...externally.
We have a beautiful built-in database, office apps, etc, and can store ALL of this data inside the APP.
With the click of a script in Automation, we can send it to WordPress as Dave's software can do but we can set up automations every day to go do that automatically and show, over time, dashboards of a keyword/product/etsy shop for example and show that clearly.
We can do way more.

Even EasyDoco & some of the other Xtreme apps could be modified to do something similar too.
For me.... that's what I'm probably most looking forward to. Creating an app like ScriptAtlas with those types of features and being able to offer so much more within the ESB app. Thats why I bought most of his take them apart, so to speak, and get an idea of what people are wanting in a product like that.

Robbie :)
"pray for the peace of Israel"

Mel Bel

Super Moderator
Staff member
The only downside of ESB created software is that it's not Mac compatible. It wouldn't be an issue at all if Mac users weren't so anti-Windows after they switch to Mac. It's like switching has this ridiculous effect on peoples' minds. Lol. They can run Windows in a virtual machine on a Mac, but a lot of those people develop strange attitudes - like having Windows on their Mac somehow "taints" their pristine Mac machines. :) It's really crazy how people think about these things.


Staff member
The only downside of ESB created software is that it's not Mac compatible. It wouldn't be an issue at all if Mac users weren't so anti-Windows after they switch to Mac. It's like switching has this ridiculous effect on peoples' minds. Lol. They can run Windows in a virtual machine on a Mac, but a lot of those people develop strange attitudes - like having Windows on their Mac somehow "taints" their pristine Mac machines. :) It's really crazy how people think about these things.

Supposedly, there are around 1.4 billion Windows users. Compared to around 100 million Mac users. I'll take those odds and stay with Windows.

We are all a little nuts. Part of our wiring. I've had debates with people, a long time ago, about using desktops vs cloud. They would only use cloud software so they could work on any device. Never made sense to me unless you were part of a team, which they weren't. I only work on a computer. I don't see myself doing a lot of work on my phone, to be honest.

People and small businesses are still using Microsoft Access. Then you had Microsoft purchase WinAutomation which is a desktop application. The demand for windows desktop programs was big enough for Microsoft to pay a lot of money to buy WinAutomation. This was after they launched a cloud based automation program.

Why add more to my monthly expense with the cloud when most of my work can get done on my windows laptop? People don't want to be left behind, so they jump from one shiny object to another.

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Staff member
I'm still trying to figure out how ScriptAtlas is running ChatGpt through the browser to avoid fees. Do you need a Microsoft account in order to use ScriptAtlas?




Staff member
Thanks Robbie!

So it does look like you need to sign up for an account with chatgpt.

As well as other services to get the api keys.

I am wondering why they went with the built in browser instead of calling the Rest API.

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Staff member
There doesn't seem to be a limit on the 3.5.
Here is a screenshot that you select if you're a plus member..and it shows the LIMIT for V4,
V3 has none (that i'm aware of).

Yeah, I thought there was a limit. I wasn't sure if they were getting around the limit by doing something within the browser but it doesn't look like it. I can just use the API like I was planning.

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