Another Success Story


Well-known member
I live in a small community in the outskirts of Boston. We have many small shops in our area. I was recently driving around town and saw a fairly new store which sold nothing but 1 particular collectible item and I immediately came up with an idea (nothing new by any means, but an idea none the less)...

I drove home and quickly whipped up a sample software application, (which, by the way, can be done in less than 30 minutes, especially if you watch my new Basic Application Creation video).

The software was easy to create since it catered to 1 particular collectible item. Once I was finished, I drove back to the collectible shop and showed the owner, Neil, my software and asked if he would be interested in letting me leave a few copies with him to see how his customers would take to the software...

He agreed to let me do it, so I created 10 copies, manually, to get started. The very next day, I awoke to a phone call (mind you, my wake time is usually sometime around 1 PM or so ;) ). It was Neil, asking for 50 MORE copies.

I signed on to my paypal account to find 6 "you've got money" messages... 6, out of 10 cd's... a whopping 60% conversion... HOW FREAKING AWESOME IS THAT...

The arrangement we now have is that I created a custom copy for him to sell at his store. I sell them to him for $20 per CD and he sells them to his customers at his own price ($49.95)...

He ordered 300 copies to start with and called me yesterday to let me know he may need more copies sooner than we both thought...

The best part is the hard work is already done... Whenever he needs more CD's, I simply call my "mass producer" and let him know how many more copies I need.

Each CD costs me just $2.25. Since I require Neil to purchase bulk packs of 100 CDs (with a bonus of 25 free copies), my cost is $282 bringing my net profit to $1718 PER ORDER...

$1,700+ for a 2 minute phone call to my CD producer... Not bad if you ask me... (whoops, sorry, forgot about the $4.50 it costs in gas to pick up the CD's and drop them off at Neil's store, heheh)

I also thought about using an online service to automate the entire process, (letting neil visit a private page on my site to purchase additional bulk packs), but decided against that. Part of the ongoing progress is visiting him personally to get as much feedback as I can... The software has now grown into a much larger product due to the awesome feedback and ideas his customers gave him which he passed on to me...

I have also received a few phone calls from 2 other shop owners who know Neil, so it's possible this could turn out even greater than it already is...

@those who are simply "toying" with TSB
get off your a*s and GET SERIOUS! There is DECENT money to be made if you just apply a few basic concepts and ideas... TSB is not merely a tiny little 'somewhat-powerful' program you have your hands on, you really can make some serious cash with software products...

do you have ANY idea of the immense power you have with your TSB? I purchased it for under $100 (not quite sure what you're selling it for now, but anyways) and it is clearly worth 100 times that... (If you ever get tired of this tiny project of yours and want to sell out, be sure to buzz me immediately ;) )


Well-known member
Wow, Jonathon,

That is truly amazing and inspirational.
And very encouraging for the rest of us.

Congratulations :D



Super Moderator
Staff member
Awesome Jonathon. That may be the motivation I need. I've got my hand in too many tasks so aren't getting anything done. Time to concentrate on 1 :)


Well-known member
@Mike, That is EXACTLY what I have done.

I used to have almost 200 websites up and running, selling various services and products, but then my time was stretched far too thin, so now, I have shut down all my sites except a handful, so I can concentrate on making 1 a huge success and it has allowed me so much more time which I can use for software creation efforts, promotional efforts, brainstorming sessions, so on and so forth.

I am certain that focusing on just 1 project will greatly enhance my income potential and I recommend this method to anyone... Focus on oe project until it becomes a success, THEN work on another if you are so inclined to have more than one project going...


Well-known member

You're doing great! It's an inspiration for all of us!

If you're expanding beyond Boston, you might be interested in ... Kunaki will duplicate your CDs and pack them in a jewel case or DVD box with full color labels and inserts for $1.75 each plus shipping and handling. This can be very useful, as they manufacture 1 or 100 or 500... whatever you order, as you order it. No inventory, and you do it all online. No trips to the duplicator, no trips to the post office or UPS.

They give you a very professional delivery with no big investment.


Active member

You're doing great! It's an inspiration for all of us!

If you're expanding beyond Boston, you might be interested in ... Kunaki will duplicate your CDs and pack them in a jewel case or DVD box with full color labels and inserts for $1.75 each plus shipping and handling. This can be very useful, as they manufacture 1 or 100 or 500... whatever you order, as you order it. No inventory, and you do it all online. No trips to the duplicator, no trips to the post office or UPS.

They give you a very professional delivery with no big investment.

Does kunaki ship worldwide?


Well-known member
@Rich (check your PM by the way)
I had considered Kunaki, but as I said, I like to deal locally (for now anyways) and doing so manually affords me the opportunity to have a personal relationship with my customers... Kunaki IS great indeed and should I decide to "branch out", I will definitely use them (I may have to come to you for some questions, though, as it's been a while, heheh)...


Staff member
do you have ANY idea of the immense power you have with your TSB? I purchased it for under $100 (not quite sure what you're selling it for now, but anyways) and it is clearly worth 100 times that... (If you ever get tired of this tiny project of yours and want to sell out, be sure to buzz me immediately ;) )

Great job Jonathan. I think I will keep this small project. ;)

Keep up the great work man.



Well-known member
I used to have almost 200 websites up and running, selling various services and products, but then my time was stretched far too thin, so now, I have shut down all my sites except a handful, so I can concentrate on making 1 a huge success and it has allowed me so much more time which I can use for software creation efforts, promotional efforts, brainstorming sessions, so on and so forth.

I am certain that focusing on just 1 project will greatly enhance my income potential and I recommend this method to anyone... Focus on oe project until it becomes a success, THEN work on another if you are so inclined to have more than one project going...

Agreed, I now have just two projects that I am working on, which I plan to tie in with each other, and one last project that I am just re-working and then it will be put on auto-pilot.

The power of TSB DOES allow for software projects to be created very quickly which is a bonus, but people still need to make sure they give their full energy into making a software program successful (if that is what they are trying to do and not just testing out a market)

So ya....when testing out ideas / markets...sure create a ton of different sample programs and see what sticks.

But when you find one that starts earning income, FOCUS on it and try to get it making you massive amounts of money on auto-pilot before moving on...

hell if it does well enough you might be able to think of ways to EXPAND on it and branch out for programs that work well with the previous software.

Food for thought!


Thanks Jonathon that was motivating!

I'm off to make my first app just to get the feel of it.



Well-known member
Hey Pete, if my post helped anyone in anyway, it brightens my day. Be sure to let us all know how you progress. We LOVE success stories...
Just wondering

Just wondering

Is Johnathan still active here? I didn't get the chance to try his training but it looked like it would definitely have shorten the learning curve.


Well-known member
Is Johnathan still active here? I didn't get the chance to try his training but it looked like it would definitely have shorten the learning curve.
Hello K.O.G. (and all others)....

Due to some serious health and personal issues, I was MIA (to say the least) over the last while, however, I will once again attempt to become active within these forums and I will be posting a new blog site soon (to try to pick up where I left off).

Before I get into that further however, I need to make a public apology, which I will be doing so in another thread within the next couple of days.

I have contacted a few people, from here, Thomas included. However, I will be contacting quite a few more people (mostly via PM or email) before I announce my official return and public apology.

I am hoping I will be accepted back with open arms and will explain everything in my PA post when I make it.

For now, please contact me via PM as most of my communications for the next few days will be via PM and email until I can get everything sorted out, organized and all previous emails/PMs replied to and taken care of.



Active member
Welcome Back

Welcome Back

SH** happens...pick up and move on, glad you are well again...Rich J


Well-known member
Jonathon, good to hear from you again! As Rich J said, glad you are well again.

Sometimes it's health, sometimes it's a client, sometimes it's a project, sometimes it's a relationship... there's always something coming our way to get in front of what we really need to do. It's the human condition, I think. Welcome back!

Rich Hamilton


Super Moderator
Staff member
Glad to see you back to Jonathon too, we all missed you.
Life is tough mate....i know this TOO well :( .
I just lost my Father in May to Heart Attack
but you know what?
It brought my brothers and sisters closer together, who
had silly grudges on stupid things.
Point? Life is too short to not share forgiveness and
hope around..we have to move forward.
Things are starting to FOCUS well for me now and i
am positive they will for you too soon Jonathon.
So hang in there mate (hug) all things will work out.
GREAT to see you back;),
