Automation Scripts not updating.

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Well-known member

I've been testing my program, writing scripts to do stuff, making changes, rebuilding the program, uninstalling it, re-installing the program. But I am not seeing the scripts changes show up in the newly built and installed program. The script list is not the same as the list while I'm building the program, and also the data I have loaded is not changing even though when edit the the data before I build the program, those changes don't carry over either, I see the same data as the previous install.

I've tried it several times and it's like my changes are not compiling into the new build.

Any suggestion?



Staff member
I'm not understanding what you mean by the script list.

Updates do not update data. Overwriting a user's changes is bad.



Well-known member
I'm not understanding what you mean by the script list.

Updates do not update data. Overwriting a user's changes is bad.



Oh Okay, I thought whatever data was there when the .exe is built was what the installed program would have, what you said makes sense to me now.

The script list I'm referring to is the list of scripts available to run on a record...see pics, pic10.jpg is the list of scripts when I'm editing the program inESB, pic11.jpg is the list in the scripts after I install the program on my pc. I just figured out the "Download & Unzip ClickBank Marketplace Feed" script is not showing because the Target type is not set to anything. The other script "Populate Browser Field 2" was renamedto "Show PitchPage and Create HopLink", but that is not being carried over to the installed program.


View attachment 14483 View attachment 14482


Well-known member
I went back in and looked at the "Download & Unzip ClickBank Marketplace Feed" script, it is set to with a Target Type, same as the others.


Staff member
Barry, what does it look like when you click the Automation tab and select the Auto scripts?

First time the user installs the program then any data you entered will be included. Updating an existing installation won't overwrite or add new data. At that time the user has been interacting with the data and we don't want to make them really mad by overwriting their edits.



Well-known member
Barry, what does it look like when you click the Automation tab and select the Auto scripts?

First time the user installs the program then any data you entered will be included. Updating an existing installation won't overwrite or add new data. At that time the user has been interacting with the data and we don't want to make them really mad by overwriting their edits.


This is the list in the Auto Scripts area.

View attachment 14484

I am installing and un-installing the program in between tests, I am not installing over the previous install....


Well-known member
Just to be clear, you are installing over a previous installation.


No, I am NOT installing over a previous installation. I am un-installing then installing the program in between tests, I am not installing over the previous install....



Staff member
No, I am NOT installing over a previous installation. I am un-installing then installing the program in between tests, I am not installing over the previous install....


Barry, I am not going to argue with you and will be closing this thread. I will be unable to support you if you continue trying to argue with me. You do not know more about how the installations work than the person who created it.



Super Moderator
Staff member
No, I am NOT installing over a previous installation. I am un-installing then installing the program in between tests, I am not installing over the previous install....


Hi Barry,
sorry to jump in..hopefully to clear up a few things.
Your info on "in between" is unclear to me. When you uninstall the program, YES...the program is uninstalled but not the data which
i think from memory sits in : c:\Users\pc name\AppData\Local\Tiger Software\one of the TSbuilder folders (check the date)
So you can rename the software title even or make it version 250,000 but it will still see THAT install folder.

If your wanting to ignore data changes while just checking the software you can delete that folder reinstall after that and it will be like a fresh new install.
Apart from that not sure as your reply is a little vague..give exact steps mate as it always helps with the confusion and helps us ALL help you.
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