Can ESB take screenshots, zip and uplaod?


Well-known member
When ESB is eventually released, can it do this?

1. enter in a URL of a page with links on it. The page in question would be one like this

2. have ESB visit the page and every link on that page and then:

a) Take a full page screenshot of each webpage

b) Zip all of the images into one file

c) Log into my ftp account and upload the zip file

d) Send an automated email to me and any other email address i enter into the software during the set up stage.

e) The email would be a templated message with token holders where the download URL and name of client would be inserted, as well as instructions on how to download the zip file.

Can ESB do all of that, and can the software be made so that it is subscription based?

Thank you


Staff member
The automation will be able to do all of that. :D

You can even attach the zip file to the email you send out. Oh YEAH! haha

As far as subscription based, some of the stuff I developed for the Premium PLR series will be used in ESB. So even though I worked on those programs I was still working on ESB. :)

Part of that work was locking the software when refunds happened. It doesn't matter if your customers are on a subscription or not because it calls your server and you tell it whether it is valid or not. So, in the sense, it could be subscription based.

Now, people are having a hard time coming up with the code to put on the server. ESB will call that code to find out if the account is still active. It isn't something I can do since people are using different scripts which means different database structures.

I am hoping I can get something to work that will allow ESB to connect to your web databases directly. This will open up far more than subscription based functionality but also allow for a ton of more applicable stuff like updating data and even adding networking for your customers through your server (think about customers all throughout the world updating data on your server and pulling it down). We do need to make this more interconnected with other systems.



Well-known member
That's good news.

Will the current ESB version be able to do all the points I specified if I spent time learning how to do it?


Staff member
Thomas, will ESB in it's current state do everything what I wrote in my original post on this thread?


Hi Stewart,

The new ESB has the functionality to do all of that using the Automation in the Expert version. You will be able to schedule the script to run on a recurring basis. ;) Just remember to think about poor ole T when you bring in all that subscription money.



Well-known member
Got you set up on a direct debit mate :)

is this really ready now?

Been away for a while. Do you have videos for Expert, I'd need to learn everything from scratch.

Hopefully, the learning curve is not too steep for a non techy type like me.

I'm a lover not a scripter :)

Finally here, what a journey :)

Hi Stewart,

The new ESB has the functionality to do all of that using the Automation in the Expert version. You will be able to schedule the script to run on a recurring basis. ;) Just remember to think about poor ole T when you bring in all that subscription money.

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Staff member
There is a workflow to this. Hopefully it won't be too hard.

Right now, we are tackling the core of ESB. I am working on documentation and fixing bugs as I find them. I will also have some videos and a demo project that you can use to get up to date with the new functionality.

Others people have been hitting me up with bugs and posting them on the ESB Beta subforum.

There has been a lot of changes. Actually, this has been rewritten totally with a lot of new stuff added.

Once the core is done, I will tackle the automation. Doing it this way will allow me to focus on automation totally without having to go back and forth with other bugs.

I would like to create some demo projects for the automation, but won't be sure how you guys are using this. I suspect the part that will require the most work will be in the browser automation portion.

Anyway, we got beta out and are close.



Staff member
So which version of Expert do you recommend I download and install T?

So going to master Expert when it eventually is where you envision it to be.

I want the software entrepreneur lifestyle, let the software do the selling.

The Beta is the new version.

I have a new update coming up shortly. I have been fixing bugs as I write the docs which makes it slower to release updates, but it also should get us a pretty stable version once released.



Staff member
Hi Thomas,

Been a while.

With all of the recent ESB updates, is my original idea in this thread now possible to create?

Hey Stewart,

Welcome back. :)

Yes, it will be able to do all of that. Piece of cake mate. :D

If you want, I can create a tutorial doing that. I need some scenarios like you posted in order to make more tutorials to show how everything can interact with each other. You can even save those screenshots to the database.

The video tutorial I did for SMTP (sending an email) shows sending an email using a template and merging customer data with the template.

It's under the SMTP Actions -> Video Tutorials

There are also video tutorials on Zipping files and FTP uploads.



Well-known member
Would be great to get that tutorial, I have some people chomping at the bit for this and that was only with a passing by mention.

Hey Stewart,

Welcome back. :)

Yes, it will be able to do all of that. Piece of cake mate. :D

If you want, I can create a tutorial doing that. I need some scenarios like you posted in order to make more tutorials to show how everything can interact with each other. You can even save those screenshots to the database.

The video tutorial I did for SMTP (sending an email) shows sending an email using a template and merging customer data with the template.

It's under the SMTP Actions -> Video Tutorials

There are also video tutorials on Zipping files and FTP uploads.
