CBXtreme Courses are Editible after building?


Super Moderator
Staff member
Just clarifying something. I put together a quick course in CBXtreme, and made a non sharable build of that course. I then installed the build onto my computer and when the course is open, the end user has full capability of adding new items into the coures. The can move items from finished to InProgress and vice versa. They can change names and URL's. Looks like they have full editing capability. Is that how it is supposed to be? :unsure:

Mike M.


Staff member
Just clarifying something. I put together a quick course in CBXtreme, and made a non sharable build of that course. I then installed the build onto my computer and when the course is open, the end user has full capability of adding new items into the coures. The can move items from finished to InProgress and vice versa. They can change names and URL's. Looks like they have full editing capability. Is that how it is supposed to be? :unsure:

Mike M.

Yes, they can edit that specific project. Sharing just means they can build a new setup file with their changes. PLR means they can change the name, icon, splash screen image, footer links to what they want and build a new setup file.

We originally had a readonly setting that wouldn't allow them to edit it. I asked if anyone was using it and it didn't look like anyone was so I took it out.



Super Moderator
Staff member
OK, thanks for the update. Took your advice and building a course for myself so I don't have to keep going to youtube and finding the videos I need to look at. (y)