Channels Read


Staff member
It seems like all the topics that were marked as read are changing to unread. Clicking the "Mark Channels Read" isn't doing anything.

Anyone else have the same issue? I'm trying to figure out if it is just me or the forum software. I knew I should have went with Zenforo. haha



Staff member
Ok, I clicked the "Mark Channels Read" right after posting this and it worked. I wonder if making a post made it work. I've been trying to mark everything read for a couple of days without success.


Mel Bel

Super Moderator
Staff member
Yes, everything is showing as unread. It does this now and then. I guess it resets or refreshes or something. It usually happens when it's time to login again - I rarely log out manually, but the forum logs me out automatically after certain number of days - then it's a little difficult to login, but after logging in, the forum shows sections as unread not too long afterward.



Super Moderator
Staff member
Thomas: "...I knew I should have went with Zenforo. haha..." Robbie: Exactly :p:Dhaha , whats wrong with ya LOL...
I can't even login on MAIN forum link...i need to open ANY topic then the drop down login works for me...go figure THAT one hahaha


Staff member
I changed a setting in the admin. Apparently it was set to cookie which would explain the forum going back to unread when the cookie expires.

It doesn't explain why the Mark Channels Read wasn't working until I posted something.

Mel, I will take a look to see if I can stop the forum from logging you out. Maybe a setting somewhere.

Robbie, you have to log in with https instead of http. I haven't had an issue with https. Let me know if you are using https and what the problem is. I do know I was getting a php error for the verification. Not sure why but I made some settings changes to hopefully fix it.

Thanks Mel, Robbie and Mike.



Super Moderator
Staff member
Robbie, you have to log in with https instead of http, Thomas

Yup, i knew always logs in as secure-> unless you added that in.htacess or forum script did?
I'll log out now and go check login box drop-down from the main url to forum:
It only happens there..its completely not an issue..not important. But thought I'd mention it.
If it's still happening ill do a quick video :)

It's no longer doing that's good :D

Mel Bel

Super Moderator
Staff member
Logging out and logging back in at the main link is also working for me. Had to click "Mark all as read" to clear the "unread" icons, but no biggie. :)
