Next Update Question


Staff member
A lot has changed in all programs and I was wondering if I need to spend the time updating existing Premium PLR projects or if I can save some time and just start from scratch.




Super Moderator
Staff member
howdy, I am assuming it will be same with Esb and if so go for it. I had mixed results with my conversion.. due to my stuff up.. but honestly... you made the programs so easy to use that it hardly takes any time to recreate them... so I I would be fine as I only havereally 5 projects and I have saved the snippets, screen shots, added sections to library .. so really, that's all we need... and all my projects are in ver 4.09 anyway using this time to bring them across anyway ... if that meansgetting it out sooner, go for it lol .. so that'sme... WHO'S NEXT . ..