PayKonect Question About Time it Takes for Transactions to Load

Mel Bel

Super Moderator
Staff member
Hi Thomas!

Just wanting to know since you've no doubt tested PayKonect already several times yourself, if you could tell me what determines the speed of loading the transactions:

1. Amount of transactions? My guess would be this would be the most important. So let's say I pull down a year worth of transactions, and there are 1000 transactions, and a customer pulls down a year worth of transactions, but he only has 75 transactions, then his would be much faster or just a little faster?

2. Number of API calls? I know we discussed this before. So if a year of transactions requires 4 api calls to PayPal, does that slow it down dramatically compared to 6 months of transactions and only 2 api calls?

The reason I'm asking is just for a future user guide for the customer, to give the customer an idea about what to expect, based on number of transactions or number of api calls, or both (or more in addition to those two things [?]).

Right now we're trying a little over a year of transactions, and I'm guessing there will be at least 1000 total transactions. It's been an hour so far and still waiting on it (but I have it running on the remote server and viewing it in the background as I work on something else). I'll let you know when the transactions load or if something else happens.

Thanks Thomas! :)



Staff member
Hi Thomas!

Just wanting to know since you've no doubt tested PayKonect already several times yourself, if you could tell me what determines the speed of loading the transactions:

1. Amount of transactions? My guess would be this would be the most important. So let's say I pull down a year worth of transactions, and there are 1000 transactions, and a customer pulls down a year worth of transactions, but he only has 75 transactions, then his would be much faster or just a little faster?

2. Number of API calls? I know we discussed this before. So if a year of transactions requires 4 api calls to PayPal, does that slow it down dramatically compared to 6 months of transactions and only 2 api calls?

The reason I'm asking is just for a future user guide for the customer, to give the customer an idea about what to expect, based on number of transactions or number of api calls, or both (or more in addition to those two things [?]).

Right now we're trying a little over a year of transactions, and I'm guessing there will be at least 1000 total transactions. It's been an hour so far and still waiting on it (but I have it running on the remote server and viewing it in the background as I work on something else). I'll let you know when the transactions load or if something else happens.

Thanks Thomas! :)


The newer api allows you to bring back more transactions but it keeps you within (I think) 3 month increments. So if the user is searching more than 3 months, like a year, I have to do it all in the background. That would be 4 api calls. ;) The user won't have to worry about it since I am doing everything necessary to pull down the whole year.

The user won't know what is happening. It is being done in the background and there will be a status showing PayKonect is syncing transactions. Once the syncing is done it will pop up an alert telling the user it is done.

I just looked it up and the max is 500 transactions per call. That means if you have over 500 transactions within that 3 month time frame it needs to call the API more times to retrieve all those transactions just for that time frame.

Then it will take a lot of time to save all the data since it gathers the data from paypal first and saves it to the database. 1,000s of records being saved at once is a pretty big task. Maybe I need to break up it up and save it in chunks.

An hour seems too long for it to run. I would advise against doing a whole year of transactions, but great way to test. :)



Staff member
I'm starting to think I need to set a date range limit of 3 months so the user can't search for a year or two years.


Mel Bel

Super Moderator
Staff member
Yes, it's been over 2 hours now and still nothing, so I'm going to shut it down and then try just a few months.



Mel Bel

Super Moderator
Staff member
Thomas, so far I am unable to load any transactions successfully. I've tried on both the remote desktop server and my home computer, tried with just a week of transactions, and with "General" type of transactions chosen. Ran each time for over 15 minutes.

Let me know if it needs to run longer for only a week of transactions and I'll let it go longer.

I also opened Task Manager, and it shows PayKonect using memory but no CPU usage at all.

I'm going to sleep, but I'll give it a go tomorrow sometime also after I wake up.

I followed all of the instructions to the letter. Authorization succeeds each time, so I'm guessing my credentials and everything is correct. If you have some suggestions of what else to check, let me know.




Staff member
It looks like a permissions issue with Paypal. I'm getting a permission error on my live account. Strange since it worked on the sandbox account.

Did I mention how much I hated Paypal?



Super Moderator
Staff member
It looks like a permissions issue with PayPal. I'm getting a permission error on my live account. Strange since it worked on the sandbox account.

Did I mention how much I hated PayPal?


Yeah, ya did....but don't let me stop you hating em...i do too.:mad: They're a money hungry company and they took 3 weeks to FIX the issue i had (and hundreds of others)
with the sandbox was frustrating...could not test (not needed a real test as i have never had an issue with live....yet :/ )

But....i am getting same as Mel. authenticates fine...but no transactions.
While waiting i will try a sandbox test with it :p



Staff member
Yeah, ya did....but don't let me stop you hating em...i do too.:mad: They're a money hungry company and they took 3 weeks to FIX the issue i had (and hundreds of others)
with the sandbox was frustrating...could not test (not needed a real test as i have never had an issue with live....yet :/ )

But....i am getting same as Mel. authenticates fine...but no transactions.
While waiting i will try a sandbox test with it :p


I posted a question on the forum. Will wait to see if anyone has had the same issue.

You won't be able to test with the sandbox as it needs a different url. The sandbox is working fine for me.



Super Moderator
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I'm joining the 'Me Too' movement. As far as I know it Authenticated my Live account, but it's been running all day with no transactions showing. Unless I did somehthing wrong.

Mike M


Staff member
Thanks guys. Definitely a permissions issue with Paypal.

When you go to and click on the app you created, make sure you click on the Live button to get the right credentials.

Scroll down to the Live App settings and make sure the Transaction Search is selected. Mine wasn't when I checked. If it doesn't have a check mark then click it and hit the save button. I will update the help docs because I think I missed that part.


I did all of that and still getting a permissions error. Maybe you will have better luck. Doubtful. lol

I'm worried that Paypal has this turned off outside the sandbox accounts. Nothing in the documentation to say that is happening. I wouldn't be surprised if I found that out after all the work I put into this. Paypal is the worst.



Staff member
Just tried using the sandbox and live authenticates but sandbox doesn't:

keys are input correct (from sandbox tab)
keys from live tab authenticate.
Wonder if same issue with sandbox..i think their engineers need a kick. :(

The sandbox requires a specific url. PayKonect only connects to the live url. In other words, you can't access the sandbox with PayKonect.

Now you could do it with a program like Postman or something similar.



Staff member

Ok, this can't be a permissions problem. I am able to connect while debugging the software, but once it is installed I am getting nothing.
