Repairing Database Question:


Super Moderator
Staff member
Forgive me if you've answered this before Thomas.
When we do a database repair:
  1. Doing several repairs one after the other make any difference?
  2. Does the repair, once a form is deleted, remove those names we used in the forms?
    For example purchaseOBJ01 as a form name. If i run database repair a few times do
    those naming conventions stay in the DB (which means can never be used again in that project
    or do they get cleared and removed from DB (seeing as they were deleted?)

    Thank you & sorry to ask again,


Staff member
The next update it will try and remove all older forms and the tables. May not be able too depending on how you created your relationships.

Not sure why you're creating and deleting so many forms, though.



Super Moderator
Staff member
Testing only really, lol because in reality some forms don't work as i expect..i want to change a name..didnt like the way
i was going and wanted to try different approach.
Not that many though. Like the json..i dragged a few into the forms , they were wrong, it crashes the form
with an exception and when i want to try again i cant use same name. ts why i mainly always add
increments to it. like paymentobj001 then next try paymentobj002.
It wont matter to me as i DELETE THE PROJECT after i have tested and start from scratch and lay it out how i really want it.
But for testing...i have always done that. Just easier for me. And even if the next update didnt remove any of that its still
ok as i would perfect the form and API and layout and editors etc in the final version.
Just how i roll with it i guess. In MySQL you delete it and its gone, poof!!

Question 1 multiple passes of repairs do anything? Else i will only just do one.


Staff member
Question 1 multiple passes of repairs do anything? Else i will only just do one.

No, not if you're doing one after another. It will try and remove the deleted record when you do a repair so it isn't a bad idea to do it once in awhile. Not saying it will be able to remove those records depending on your relationships.

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