Robbie's Cool Plugin


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PLEASE update to V1.084
There were a few buggy issues..namely, I didn't check activation AFTER I did the SNs in the emails/PDF Invoice and after yesterday and today
I think I covered it all now.
The ONLY weird thing is it's taking 40 seconds to activate 🙄 NO IDEA why...doesn't make sense and it's probably my server/hosting.
Because postman is instant though as is a returned "1" if I paste it into a browser with license details to check.

In any case update to the latest one (if you did within the last 5 hours (to 1.084) I would delete it ( as I was testing and editing during that time with the same number & I didn't update the plugin updater file.) PM me in that case.

Just check yourself please with the activation only.
I tested with email and serial and I still don't understand why emails with a dot com
do not activate but give this error->
Any other domain seems fine lol. -->

Maybe Microcrap has done something AGAIN and that's why its taking 40+secs...LET me know dudes!



Staff member
ESB stores the activation details in the database and that takes extra time. It would be similar to the Postman time if it didn't store the data. Though your users would need to activate everytime they use the software if the data wasn't stored.

I've never had a complaint about how long it takes to activate one of my programs.

As for the emails, did you check if they activate in Postman?

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As for the emails, did you check if they activate in Postman?
Morning Thomas,
All emails with any extension except .com seem to work. I didn't check the dot com email in postman
but I'll do that shortly.
The 40+ sec delay is a new thing. Before..even going back to Esb3 when I first did it and ESB 4 when I got the activation with
Uppercase, spaces, etc working it would take about 3-5 seconds every time.
It wouldn't be ESB doing it, sorry, that's what I mean. I still have 4.09 when getting the activation weeks ago working taking seconds to activate and I suspect something else is amiss...MY end.
My GOOGLE HUB is doing a similar thing. I say " hey google, turn off the bedroom light" and it hears and writes on screen but does nothing and waits for 10+ secs and says "sorry, there's been a glitch try again in a few seconds..then you try and it works. TONS of complaints about it happening for months. So sorry to get off topic but I think it may be related.

The only way to know is if Jim or Mohammad or Mike, Mel...try activating now with V1.084. And if it does the same thing... that's OK.
Because the main thing is it activates..if they have to wait, tough lol.
I had a few things I missed and messed up in the plugin and just fixed those. Tested it on a subdomain last night and all good.
Checking postman now with email.


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That was it -->
trying email in ESB -->

Thanks, Thomas. It's true..without Postman your shoot'n in the dark. It will become a major tool to use with testing.
Thanks for steering me to test it with Postman. That's great. :)

For the WP Cerber Security plugin, I had to add the license URL
to the whitelist and its all ok after that->

Just in case others may have activation issues use postman and this URL to test:
Download Postman:
URL to use to check activation is working in your WordPress installation
So for example:
You would use: to test serial activation. to test email activation.

Like this: and would return a '1' for success (echo true) and nothing for failure.

thanks, Thomas. Posted above to help others, if needed.

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I deleted that post (that you'll see) because i read above from back in Sep 2022...and this darn security plugin is blocking activation with the emails again for ESB Ver 4.1. 😠 ...I think i will change to a better security plugin, but theyre all not that good for Wordpress...too many cons in all of them especially $$$.


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This is in no way at all important and just a question. I was looking through my plugin and some replies you added and wondered:
In the lic.php file, you use the product name and email address(or serial No).
You mentioned about the hardware ID. People tend to change their SSD or HDD but not really their CPU.
When they run the software first time on their PC in the future could the code be added to send the CPUID as well?
$app->get('/license/:product/:serial/ :cpuid/',

Then that cpuid can be stored in the database (for the first time) and checked if installed further (like 2 more times allowed...for a laptop and another PC, for example.)
Then if they tried to activate it again it wouldn't allow it. I am thinking on these lines as people use VPNs, and proxies and can spoof the IP address too and if someone tried to use those 3 stored variables I would have a check for the cpuid, and there really would only be ONE original CPUID.
I think that would help.
What do you think?
I'll move this to the wishlist after. :p



Staff member
No, I don't see me doing this. Quick research and it looks like the id can't be trusted to be unique on some computers. It could change.

Doubt most people will try to spoof a proxy. More than likely they won't know the IP address is being saved.

If the user activates it from multiple IP addresses then stop all activations for that account. Then they have to contact you to reset.

If multi-billion dollars companies can't protect their products from people hacking them, I don't think we will.

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Staff member
good point

It's a risk reward endeavor. How much time should you spend on something that will never fully stop others from hacking your programs if they want too. I figured make it tough enough for your everyday users and don't worry about the small number of others that may get my programs for free. Those people wouldn't be buying our programs anyway. Besides, those that pay also get support and customer service as part of their purchase.



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yeah, your totally right and just the email/ serial is more then enough. people who do buy it are the types who wouldn't share it anyway as they paid for it lol... thanks 👍


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Just had a question about plugin issue from Mike.
I checked it then and can activate my software fine BUT,...there must have been a change in the other plugins ( so wondered Mel...if you can check if yours is working?
The version is in link but The PDF sent in emails with the serial number isn't coming through so checking that today.
I'll update you both when its ok.


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Update loaded--->
back to PDFXtreme,
let me know how you two go...seeya

I forgot to sanitize 2 variables in the html so just did that
but didn't change the version number so if you already downloaded it
maybe uninstall the plugin and reinstall it as of *NOW*
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it's coming from the woocommerce pdf/invoice/ plugin... see the screen shot above, sorry i'm at work so i only have phone and it's too small to scroll
how did you go with the update to 1.088? if still issue with auto update i'll send you zip shortly...i didn't zip it into its own folder b4 i uploaded it, so will send link


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when i get home i'll do a video or two with the pdf... the woo invoice plugin is doing the emailing and the pdf...


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It seems to have updated, but the plugin still says 1.087 and wants to update all the time.

No rush. I'll check out the woo pdf plugin.

Mike M.


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And if I'm correct, it's not activating the software anyways. At least mine isn't. It can't create the SSL/TLS channel. I think we were waiting for the new ESB. I'm old and can't remember any of this stuff 🧓