Robotic Process Automation


Staff member
I was just telling Mel about this and decided it would make for a good post here.

I have been doing some research on automation software since I will be releasing a new program soon.

I came across a market called Robotic Processing Automation. I never heard of the term before. I have come across some of the programs that are sold in the market (Automation Anywhere) but didn't realize what the market was called. haha

Big industries such as Healthcare use it. Basically, it automates repetitive jobs and cuts down on the human input factor... in other terms it reduces human jobs because automation can run 24/7.

I think call centers use it quite a bit as well.

From my research, the industry will be a 4 billion industry by 2020 and a 8 billion by 2024. That is a pretty big jump in 4 years. This will continue to grow. Especially if you look at the number of people wanting to start small businesses has been increasing quite significantly.

Here is an article talking about the robotic processing automation market size.

This is something to think about when designing your automation programs. I will be looking at entering this market myself. The prices being charged, for these software programs, is mouth watering. haha



Super Moderator
Staff member
:confused: Thats assuming were all here and make it through 2017 :D
Will check this out..never heard of it either.


Super Moderator
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WW3,Apocalypse, fall of the house of Usher (no that was a poem)
Mass heisteria, cats and dogs livin be good for
goodness sake..oh....oops, no, thats Ghostbusters.
Volcanoes erupting,earthquakes, mud slides....
YOU KNOW....the usual stuff that happens with this wonderful
blue globe of ours (sarcasm intended)
But ESB will prevail lol :D dont worry...


Super Moderator
Yes T. I've been looking at this thread and the videos on some of the sites and it dose seem that their programs interact with the customers own software, then gather data or follow instructions on what to do with that program or data so it can be run 24/7 or at a more convenient time like over night, Wow this is a big one.


Super Moderator
Thank Jim.

So thinking out of the box as I have no idea how Thomas dose what he dose which is amazing to me.

if the auto ESB stuff could interact with a clients own computer and programs it could interact with their own browser of choice, and say, go to their own email account which is normally just a click on the login button as your login is pre populated from your cookies, check and forward emails only from Thomas Belknap to my accountant? That will be part of the secretary's job taken care of with RPA to make more tea.



Staff member
Yes T. I've been looking at this thread and the videos on some of the sites and it dose seem that their programs interact with the customers own software, then gather data or follow instructions on what to do with that program or data so it can be run 24/7 or at a more convenient time like over night, Wow this is a big one.

Yes, they are automating desktop apps. Apparently this type of automation is big in the Health Care and Call center businesses. No doubt they will be finding their way into other markets.

It will be a big learning curb but I am used to it.

I do worry about adding this type of stuff into ESB. We get the wrong person doing the wrong thing and it could hurt all of us.

Still, it's predected to double in size between 2020 and 2024. That is a huge increase and no doubt will only get bigger.



Staff member
Here is an interesting article in the Money section of from an interview with Mark Cuban about automation and software.

I have seen Cuban talking about automation and AI. Cuban mentioned the first trillionaire will be some type of AI.

From my understanding, a lot of the automation (software automation) didn't displace workers but changed the nature of their jobs.

In any case, this is the future. It's hard to see it not coming which is why I took longer to build a version of ESB that can take advantage of this trend.



Staff member
Thank Jim.

So thinking out of the box as I have no idea how Thomas dose what he dose which is amazing to me.

if the auto ESB stuff could interact with a clients own computer and programs it could interact with their own browser of choice, and say, go to their own email account which is normally just a click on the login button as your login is pre populated from your cookies, check and forward emails only from Thomas Belknap to my accountant? That will be part of the secretary's job taken care of with RPA to make more tea.


Our current automation can pull emails straight from the source without having to go through a browser. You can pull emails, check for the sender and send all emails from a particular sender to your accountant with what he have right now. Just a fyi... ;)



Super Moderator
Thanks for the info T. I think for some of us or my be just me, until we / I get stuck in I'm not 100% sure what's possible with ESB....but I do know it's going to be a huge game changer for us.

Are there any simple walk through videos to get started in the right way, these simple small steps will be the foundation of bigger project, step 1, 2, & 3. would be individual projects to try.

1, go to google images to look for "Cars" or Sports Cars" Select 5 images or what ever is selected and save then in a desktop file
With this one we will know what property editors to use and the auto settings, and so on for the rest.

2, Select desktop folder, zip the folder and upload to my images folder on my website.

3, A reverse of step 2, fetch a folder from a website, download to a location and unzip if needed to folder,

If anyone has made any videos on this would they mind sharing please?



Staff member
Thanks for the info T. I think for some of us or my be just me, until we / I get stuck in I'm not 100% sure what's possible with ESB....but I do know it's going to be a huge game changer for us.

Are there any simple walk through videos to get started in the right way, these simple small steps will be the foundation of bigger project, step 1, 2, & 3. would be individual projects to try.

1, go to google images to look for "Cars" or Sports Cars" Select 5 images or what ever is selected and save then in a desktop file
With this one we will know what property editors to use and the auto settings, and so on for the rest.

2, Select desktop folder, zip the folder and upload to my images folder on my website.

3, A reverse of step 2, fetch a folder from a website, download to a location and unzip if needed to folder,

If anyone has made any videos on this would they mind sharing please?


I'm not sure what you mean by step by step since we are talking a lot of steps depending on the app you want to create.

I do have some tutorials in the help documentation.



Staff member
UIPath, a Robotic Process Automation program just got 153 million in funding. Some valuing the company at 1.1 billion.

The reason I mention this is many if not most of the stuff you can do with UIPath you can do with ESB/Smartflo Automation. In fact, besides Desktop automation, I think ESB has quite a bit more when it comes to what it can automate. The market for automation will continue to get bigger.
