Strange Capture Behavior

Mel Bel

Super Moderator
Staff member
Not sure if this is a bug or not, but when we (me or Joan) add a lesson and then the capture to get some screenshots, it immediately makes like a small copy of the desktop screen to capture. Difficult to explain. Please watch the video I uploaded to one of our YouTube accounts. Thanks! Mel. Running Windows 11 on this particular laptop and everything is updated, 1920x1080 monitor screen.



Staff member
Seems like weird is the common theme these days. lol

Do you have more than one monitor hooked up?

Can you click on any of the shortcuts outside that duplicate rectangle?


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Mel Bel

Super Moderator
Staff member
No extra monitor. It's just a laptop with one screen. I can't click on anything outside of it, as soon as I click it captures and goes back to the little capture settings dialog. I wonder if it has something to do with the desktop settings in Windows 11, where you can create a new desktop and somehow it's interfering. But we have only one activated, so...tough to figure out on my end. :(

I'll test it sometime tomorrow on Joan's remote desktop server and see if it happens on that, then I'll come back here and update.




Super Moderator
Staff member
I wonder Mel if a dialog is hiding behind the capture... can you try ALT+TAB and then let go of the key combination? usually if it is a hidden box or something it's usually the first alt/tab behind it.
i sometimes opened things in esb a while ago and couldn't click anything s there was a dialogue behind main window i had to bring forward, then i saw dialog, else i couldn't get to it.

just a thought,


Super Moderator
Staff member
Looks like you have SnagIt open and working. Maybe the two are interfering with each other. I did learn from your video though. I didn't know we could open the image and add arrows and such :) .

Mike M


Staff member
Mel, what is the scale percentage on your display?

You can right click on the desktop, select display settings. There should be a scale percentage like 100% or 125%.


Mel Bel

Super Moderator
Staff member
I checked and it's 125%, Thomas, which it has as the recommended setting by default. Want me to try and set it to just 100%?

I'll try Robbie's suggestion also and keep Snagit off (Mike's comment) in case that is interfering and see what works, but it will be later today before I can test things again.




Staff member
I checked and it's 125%, Thomas, which it has as the recommended setting by default. Want me to try and set it to just 100%?

I'll try Robbie's suggestion also and keep Snagit off (Mike's comment) in case that is interfering and see what works, but it will be later today before I can test things again.



Yes, please try 100% and see what happens when you take a screen shot. I'm trying to pinpoint the issue. Whenever you get some extra time.

Appreciate it!

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Mel Bel

Super Moderator
Staff member
Thomas, none of the suggestions from anyone worked. No interference from Snagit, and no dialog hidden. I set the display to 100% and the behavior stayed the same but made the duplicate window smaller. Lol. I then tried to zoom it to 150%, but the duplicate looked the same as at 125%. Really odd. :(



Mel Bel

Super Moderator
Staff member
I just installed and tested on Joan's remote desktop server and no problem. It works exactly as expected in full screen, window, and region. So it must be a personal setting I have on this machine of mine that is causing the issue. I'll figure it out eventually. :)




Staff member
I just installed and tested on Joan's remote desktop server and no problem. It works exactly as expected in full screen, window, and region. So it must be a personal setting I have on this machine of mine that is causing the issue. I'll figure it out eventually. :)



Mel, are you using a monitor to view the remote desktop server? If not, how are you connecting to it?

My laptop did the same thing when I unplugged my monitor. It was set to 125% Scale. Once I set it to 100% scale it worked. So there must be an issue with the scaling that I need to correct.


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Super Moderator
Staff member
I have a 24" monitor connected to my laptop. It is set to 100% and everything works as expected. I set it to 125% and now I get the same double screen as Mel. I set it back to 100% and it works as it should.

Mike M


Staff member
Well, I think I have this fixed. It looks to be working on my monitor when I set the scale to 125%. As well as 100%. We will see when I release the next update. lol

I have to be honest, this was a serious pain in the... neck!


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