Time for another forum update.


Staff member
Yep, I just updated to the latest version today. I can't say it was a fun time. haha

Anyway, let me know if there are any issues.




Super Moderator
Staff member
I see that. I logged in and thought WTF :eek: you got hacked. But then I came to my senses and figured it out. Looks good.

There are currently 121 users online. 1 members and 120 guests.

Looks like others are attracted to it as well. :)


Super Moderator
Staff member
Actually, I don't know if this is a problem or not, but if you go straight to the front forum page and click the login, it just shows a blank box. You have to actually enter a forum area, such as 'Community' or any other one to be able to login.

View attachment 16232


Staff member
I see that. I logged in and thought WTF :eek: you got hacked. But then I came to my senses and figured it out. Looks good.

Looks like others are attracted to it as well. :)

Thanks! I had to update my PHP and Mysql versions. So I did that and the whole website was down. haha Let's say the upgrade wasn't very smooth.

Actually, I don't know if this is a problem or not, but if you go straight to the front forum page and click the login, it just shows a blank box. You have to actually enter a forum area, such as 'Community' or any other one to be able to login.

I noticed that last night as well Mike. Apparently you need to use (https) https://profittigersystems.com/vbforum in order to get the login to show up. Took me 15 minutes to figure that one out.

I need to update my website links to the forum.



Staff member
I was thinking of using the built-in blogs and/or articles for training. I was going to set up a wordpress blog but do like having it all in one spot.



Super Moderator
Staff member
Apparently you need to use (https) https://profittigersystems.com/vbforum in order to get the login to show up. Took me 15 minutes to figure that one out.

Aaah yes. I never even noticed that. Updated my password manager with https and all works well now. ;)

I was thinking of using the built-in blogs and/or articles for training. I was going to set up a wordpress blog but do like having it all in one spot.

If it's all in one spot, it's easier to maintain in my opinion. I find if things are in too many locations, nothing ever gets done cause all your doing is updating everything.

Mike M

Mel Bel

Super Moderator
Staff member
Looks decent. Couldn't see where to log in for a bit because the menu bar blends in closely with my browser bar, but all good. :)



Staff member
I took some time this morning to play with some of the colors and font sizes to make it more readable. Any feedback?



Super Moderator
Staff member
I like a dark theme for night time. I just use Stylus addon for firefox and chose a vbulletin theme (changing urls) but i think theres a plugin for Vbull that allows the "USERS" to change themes while they are logged in.
Else...its ALL good :D


Staff member
I like a dark theme for night time. I just use Stylus addon for firefox and chose a vbulletin theme (changing urls) but i think theres a plugin for Vbull that allows the "USERS" to change themes while they are logged in.
Else...its ALL good :D

I didn't know there was an option for that. I turned it on so users should now be able to select their own styles.

Thanks Robbie!
