Trello Demo


Staff member
In this demo we will create an application that interacts with Trello. We build out our Trello Account and Board forms. We then add scripts to retrieve our boards, create new boards, update and delete existing boards.

This demo shows the entire flow of building a app that connects to a webservice.

Creating The Model

Retrieving Boards from Trello

Creating a new Board

Updating an existing Board

Deleting a Board


Mel Bel

Super Moderator
Staff member
Awesome! I just watched all 5 videos. Makes the whole process much more clear. Thanks for making these, Thomas. :)



Staff member
Awesome! I just watched all 5 videos. Makes the whole process much more clear. Thanks for making these, Thomas. :)


Great! Happy to hear it is helping because it is a lot of work. :)

FYI, you will be able to access these forms within the Auto and Schedule scripts. If I wanted to get a list of boards, within a scheduled script, then I can do so without having to redo the whole get script.



Well-known member
Hi Thomas,

Thank you so much for doing the video. Now it is more clear on how get, update and delete scripts works.



Staff member
Hi Thomas,

Thank you so much for doing the video. Now it is more clear on how get, update and delete scripts works.


Thanks for the feedback. When doing these videos I am unsure if they are helpful or not. I don't want to waste time doing them if they don't help. Especially since they take a lot of time to do even when I try to do them quickly. haha

I'll look at doing some more with other webservices.


Mel Bel

Super Moderator
Staff member
Hi Thomas!

Ok, I finally have a question for you about all of this...

I've been looking at a few api docs of companies and I've noticed with regard to authentication that some have only a key and nothing else. No token or anything like that and they are using REST.

So in your example with Trello, you're creating a property field for both the key and token, but in the case where only a key is used for authentication, then we would just create a property field for the key, right?

And basically, no matter what the authentication needed, we just have to create the property field for whatever and however many required. Is that correct?

I kind of feel like it's a "duh" question, but I want to make sure. Sometimes you surprise me with an unexpected answer. :)




Staff member
Hi Thomas!

Ok, I finally have a question for you about all of this...

I've been looking at a few api docs of companies and I've noticed with regard to authentication that some have only a key and nothing else. No token or anything like that and they are using REST.

So in your example with Trello, you're creating a property field for both the key and token, but in the case where only a key is used for authentication, then we would just create a property field for the key, right?

And basically, no matter what the authentication needed, we just have to create the property field for whatever and however many required. Is that correct?

I kind of feel like it's a "duh" question, but I want to make sure. Sometimes you surprise me with an unexpected answer. :)



I'm full of surprises. :)

It really depends on the API. The one you wrote about would work similar to how the Trello demo is set up. You wouldn't need the token field, just the key field.

If the API is wanting Basic Authentication, OAuth One or OAuth Two then you would need to use the appropriate form. You could still do the basic authentication similar to the Trello demo, but using the Basic Auth form is set up to make it easier for you.

In your example, you would add a Account form. Then add a Key string (or password) property editor and you're done with the account form.

It's a good question. I think you're getting the idea and it will click once you start setting up API's. I'd also try and understand how that API wants the key sent. Does it want it sent as a query parameter as I did in the Trello demo or as a header parameter?
