Wordpress Feedback


Staff member
I just added a way for us to save our EasyDoco projects to wordpress.

A lot of this seems to be dependent on the theme, but I think the layout looks decent.

The content under the image will be the style you set when you create your content.

Let me know if you have an ideas on how to make it better.

Example: https://profittigersystems.com/wpdocs/


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Super Moderator
Staff member
ohhh... got enter by mistake... but get used to that, I'm 60 now hahaha 😆

Your post yesterday showed the post in WordPress different and looked good on the phone to.. was going to ask were those parts of the docs inside of WordPress? looked good.
Still looking at it


Super Moderator
Staff member
looks great on the phone in landscape mode 👍 so I would think it will look great in most themes anyway. can't see the menu with the 3 bars like you had in the post yesterday, that looked good. . maybe that's a theme thing? need more viewing context to get the jist


Staff member
Happy birthday brother!

Yeah, trying out some more themes so it looks like a lot of the styles will be based on the theme.

The current theme wasn't looking too good on my phone. I just activated a different theme and it looks good on the phone. Images are being shrunk to the appropriate size for mobile. The previous theme had the images too big and I had to scroll left to right to see it all.

Cool, I think this is going to work out nicely.

FYI, this is something you can do with the automation. o_O


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Super Moderator
Staff member
agreed, yeah. It will be fine with the responsive mobile themes which is great, can make a website manager app and include these features in it for managing thier content and user automation to change all the pages & articles to a set theme and even have automaton scripts to convert those Ai articles so they're nicely formatted. ... 👍 thumbs up


Staff member
Thanks Mel!

Does anyone know of a way to organize posts in some type of structure?

EasyDoco has sections and within those sections it has the lessons. Each lesson is a post. I was wondering if there was a way to group all lessons/posts into a section besides the category.

Not to mention a section could have child sections. Oh boy! lol

I'm assuming the category is how Wordpress groups similar posts. You can have subcategories within a category so that may be the way I do it.


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Super Moderator
Staff member
here's my lazy chatgpt 4 answer 😆

Yes, WordPress does provide several ways to organize posts that can create a structured hierarchy. Here are a few options:

1. **Categories and Subcategories:** As you've mentioned, you can group similar posts by assigning them to the same category. You can also create subcategories within a category for more granular organization. When creating a category, you can choose a parent category to make it a subcategory.

2. **Tags:** Tags are another way to group similar posts, but they're less structured than categories. A post can have multiple tags, which could be useful for cross-referencing posts that don't fit neatly into a single category or subcategory.

3. **Custom Post Types:** WordPress allows you to create custom post types, each with its own set of custom fields. This could be useful if you have different types of content that need to be organized in different ways.

4. **Pages and Child Pages:** WordPress differentiates between "posts" (which are typically dated and listed in reverse chronological order) and "pages" (which are static and not dated). You can create a hierarchy of pages by assigning parent and child pages.

5. **Menus:** You can create custom menus that link to any of your content. These menus can be hierarchical, meaning you can have submenu items under a main menu item.

6. **Plugins:** There are numerous WordPress plugins that provide additional ways to organize your content. For example, some plugins allow you to create custom taxonomies, which are like categories but can be used to organize any type of content.

Remember, the best structure depends on the nature of your content and the needs of your audience. It's important to think about how your visitors will navigate your site and find the content they're interested in.


Staff member
Thanks Robbie!

I think I got it and went with pages. I will be doing a video showing what I think is the easiest way to upload your project for the first time. Especially when you create menus.

Easiest flow I have found...

First create your menu based on the main sections of your project. Then upload one section (Parent page with child pages) at a time. That way you can add the newly uploaded section to the menu. Repeat until the whole project is uploaded. After that, EasyDoco will update the existing Wordpress Pages when you change something so no need to worry about menus and structure at that point. It will only create a page if it doesn't exist on Wordpress. I also added a Wordpress Home Page template for your specific project. That way you can add your menu for all the sections on that home page (should also help with SEO).

It took some time and some pain to figure out the best way to structure this in Wordpress. It's working and I'm hoping to get EasyDoco with some videos out real soon.

Sort of like this test page I uploaded with EasyDoco.

I fixed the postTitle issue you see on that page. It will show the title of the Lesson if you have one.

I tried to keep the amount of plugins required as low as possible. I think I only had to add the Conditional Menus plugin in order to put Menus on the project's Home Page.

I also ran into an issue with wanting to change the default Font/Size if it looked too small on Wordpress/Doc/Html templates. I added a way to update the default for the whole Project instead of doing it by hand, one step at a time. And you can also set a default Font/Size for the Lessons and Steps so you don't have to change it every time you create a new step. If you decide you want to add a Headline in a different font/size, it will keep that style if you decide to update the default font/size. Any custom Fonts will be kept even if you change the default for the whole project.

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