Results so far with selling the New PLR Manager ESB version


Staff member
The whole idea that was floating around that "desktop software is dead" was just pure nonsense - a lie spun up and spread around by SaaS providers and influencers.

I get a chuckle out of hearing stuff like "desktop software is dead". I'm happy to hear it. That means more people will be building web apps and less will be creating desktop apps.

People will buy anything that solves their problem. Most won't care if it is a desktop program.

I remember having a conversation with someone on the Warriorforum. He said he would only buy SaaS programs so he can access it from everywhere.

I asked him how many devices did he use.

He said only one.

I asked him where he works from.

He said home. :D

You wouldn't believe the good money programmers are making in languages that are suppose to be dead.

Focus on solutions and the money will follow.


Mel Bel

Super Moderator
Staff member
Focus on solutions and the money will follow.

For sure!

I made 32 sales today on JVZoo - I'm at 150 sales total so far (Warrior+ and JVZoo combined), and I'll keep pushing it until I've exhausted the affiliate support.

Then I'll change it up just a bit and put it on ClickBank with my proof of earnings and EPC, etc., create a decent affiliate center for it, and see what I can do there.

I haven't done much on ClickBank before, but I made a few connections with some people who only promote CB products, so I'm going to give it a go soon.

Not many plr products on CB. Less competition for "plr" searches.



Staff member
Nice job Mel! I love it.

I also wanted to remind everyone that our desktop programs will be interacting with web based services in the near future. ;) I already laid the ground work in ESB and am using it in Smartflo.

That and multi user support using website hosting as the central database. This will be a lot of work but why stop now? haha


Mel Bel

Super Moderator
Staff member
Nice job Mel! I love it.

I also wanted to remind everyone that our desktop programs will be interacting with web based services in the near future. ;) I already laid the ground work in ESB and am using it in Smartflo.

That and multi user support using website hosting as the central database. This will be a lot of work but why stop now? haha


Yeah, why stop? Lol. ESB is GREAT! :D I'm having a wonderful time selling the software created with it, and more is on the way. :)

Mel Bel

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Haha...I had my first refund today, and it was a guy who bought it over a week ago, then he went away on a trip and came back and forgot he purchased it and bought it again. Lol.

I thought he liked it so much he just bought it twice or for someone else. :D


Super Moderator
Staff member
Any updates Mel on how your sales are going?
Have you done any Facebook advertising ?
Have most of your sales come from affiliates and other peoples
lists? How about from Jvzoo & your webpage from organic traffic.
Just curious ;) . I think if there's JV's and others who have lists we'll do well
but i wonder how a product like PLR would go just from traffic from Google,
Youtube and other social media.

Mel Bel

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For some reason, I don't always see updates on posts. I missed your comment completely, Robbie.

Well, I think I answered it in another thread about PLR Manager Pro, but now I'm selling Arbitrage Viper - made with TSB and brandable.

So far Arbitrage Viper now has over 100 sales and actually made the Top Ten Sellers list today, but I just barely got in there at number 10. Lol.

The sale ends tonight at midnight and then I'll list it on JVZoo and see about getting some sales over there. But it won't be like a launch, just a listing and I'll try to get some new affiliates to promote it.


Mel Bel

Super Moderator
Staff member
Any updates Mel on how your sales are going?
Have you done any Facebook advertising ?
Have most of your sales come from affiliates and other peoples
lists? How about from Jvzoo & your webpage from organic traffic.
Just curious ;) . I think if there's JV's and others who have lists we'll do well
but i wonder how a product like PLR would go just from traffic from Google,
Youtube and other social media.

Just to answer some of these questions in my roundabout way...

The purpose of these small launches where you're trying to get over 100 sales but you're not really expecting a massive amount of sales, is two:

1. Get as many new paying customers as possible.

2. Make as much money for your affiliates as possible

My launches - and when I say "My" "Me or "I", it includes my sister - don't earn much money from selling the products themselves during a launch.

The money is made after the launch from email marketing to the buyers, and from some direct sales of other products you have.

Basically, you are giving big commissions to get affiliates and make them as much money as possible during your launches...

...and then they in return are giving you big commissions to make yourself as much money as possible during their launches.

That's how it works in this small-time launch "network" of sellers and affiliates.

It's reciprocal or it's nothing.

The exception is the "pure" affiliates who never do launches at all. Theirs is usually the worst converting traffic, but it still amounts to some sales if they are decent affiliates.

But generally, you want to establish your solid relationships with other product creators who have "buyer lists", because buyers are much higher converting, much less likely to refund, and some of them are what we call "hyperactive" buyers - they buy a lot of stuff through your affiliate link.

You can email the crap out of them and they'll eat it up. :) Those buyers are your meat and potatoes - the rest are crackers and cheese.

You have to identify - and even engage in conversation through email if you can - these hyperactive buyers, and figure out what they want to buy and promote those things to them.

If you don't cater to your hyperactive buyers, you won't make much money with your promotions.

Doesn't matter if some of the others unsubscribe. They don't buy much, if anything, anyway, and they don't help you pay your bills.

Just make sure to separate those buyers and give them an "out" so they can unsubscribe and still get software update notifications through your server system email - and I use InstaMember for that.

About organic traffic, I don't care about it one way or the other, but that's only because I'm focused on the whole affiliate recruitment model for traffic.

Some of your affiliates will end up ranking for keywords related to the name of your product, and some others will rank for keywords related to what your product is about, and they'll drive some traffic, but it isn't high's slow sales from those sources...YouTube, Blogs...mostly slow sales coming in, unless it's a popular channel or blog of course.

You can try to rank for keywords yourself, but that's not my specialty, so I can't say what your outcome will be or how long it will take to compete against others on YouTube or Google for top ranking position.

My whole focus is affiliate recruitment and buyer list building. I don't care about freebie-seekers either. That's why pure affiliate's traffic doesn't convert as high, because a lot of those guys build their traffic from giveaways and traffic exchanges and solo ads. [But like I mentioned, some of those guys who segment that traffic over time end up with some good quality traffic, but not all of them].

Anyhow, that's it.

When I step away from this type of thing, it won't be completely, but I'll be doing things similar to how Thrive Themes and FlyPlugins (WP Courseware creators) do things. That's a higher level of marketing.

(And the MMO sellers of course do outstanding in this type of thing I'm in now - they do much, much better than people like me - but I don't want to sell that crap)



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Staff member
A complete and thorough review Mel, thanks as always...thats great and DOUBLE well done lol.
And i am sure it will help others with your detailed process you gave here as well. :)
Me...not the microscopic bit interested in the MMO (monkeys, morons and orangatangs) niche.
Its just a ferel joke now. 5 years ago? Was possible to make a good income if you release rehash
crap to the gullible month in month out.
Im not like that, being on the recieving end of rubbish that the excuse was "you dont put it into action"
Really? Your right..i don't want to rip off people and make them feel BAD after a purchase.
Some 'gurus' had the most ridiculous funnels known to man with 15 OTOs add ifinitum and got
way more expensive as you went through it. I could go on but i wont haha :p

I think the way ESB is going with its automation and eventually api will allow to plug into some amazing
online data and pull that into our software..i got a lot of ideas actually, and none of them are in the IM
Funny that im/mmo are the only business types that have insane funnels.
Yes Amazon,ebay...even your burger king (mac donalds etc) have a you wanna upsize that?
More fries? YOu tried our new icy drink bla bla?? Not got a problem with ANY of those funnels because they
are ususally a few extra bucks. This idiotic (sorry meant to say IDIOTIC) jump from $17 to $47 or $67 for
NOT much more of a bonus is why i guess people struggle to make money onlline when theyre too busy
feeding the pockets of these greedy ppl.
NO....i dont mean your type of product. Software is different and an upgrade to a pro with "lots "
more functionality or features is not a problem (or even a monthly access for updates/aPI access & live data) but
i think this year is it...2017 will be the end of rehashed "how to make money" stuff.
Why? The world has changed almost completly in the last year...were moving into , sadly, a globalization market
where i think only the automation type softwares and cloud stuff WILL survive...

Thanks again...your advantaged by having a few contacts in the JV & Affiliate arena
from my understanding if your not doing IM or MMO its hard to get JVs and AFF to "push" your products.
Hence...i think i will be using FaceCrap Marketing for a first test.

Again, thanks for your full run down. Its always great to see successful people and especially yourself and Joan
as you both deserve to do well ;) and it will only get much better with ESB from here on.
You have expert? I dont know :/ But i will make a few scripts/videos available here once we get a few small bugs
sorted and then you'll be able to add some automation in some of your already Excellent products :)
Great to see ESB products making a come back..with a vengence haha
Take care,


Staff member
Thanks again...your advantaged by having a few contacts in the JV & Affiliate arena
from my understanding if your not doing IM or MMO its hard to get JVs and AFF to "push" your products.
Hence...i think i will be using FaceCrap Marketing for a first test.


Don't limit yourself with that belief, Robbie.

I started out selling a Real Estate Investing software program. I contacted people who ran Real Estate Investment Clubs and got a few to sign up as affiliates. We're talking a thousand plus per license sold. That was how I made my first sales online.

I also contacted a lot of "gurus" who were hitting the seminar circuit. I had a couple interested in private branding my program. I think I mentioned this but had talked with Kelly Felix when he was doing the Rich Jerk. He was coming out with a real estate course and wanted to use my program as an upsell.



Super Moderator
Staff member
yeah i right :eek:
We all have wasted tons on stuff in the past.
It felt good for 10 secs to let off ok now ^_^
ESB will give us that edge :cool: hahahahaha waaaahahahaha :-/


Super Moderator
Great info guys and thanks for the insight and thinking in the different business models, for me I prefer to be out of the IM market,

Just need to find a niche we are interested in and a way our software we create can make their life easier, As an Idea I have a friend who runs seminars on Rent to Rent which is basically you set your self up to manage a clients property for them, you guarantee them a fixed rent income even when the property is empty, He has about 40 in the group each manage an average of 5 property's which are multi lets so there is a lot to keep track of, a few top one have over 20 they manage. So property management would be a good fit for software like ESB,