Smartflo Web Services


Staff member
Hi Everyone,

I am in the thick of adding a ton of Web api's. I wanted to get some feedback on what you are using that you would like to see added to Smartflo.

Basically, I am building this up so we can move data from one service to another.

Things like checking outstanding invoices in Stripe/Paypal and sending a email or SMS to the person to remind them to pay their bill! haha

Or checking for support emails and adding a ticket in Zendesk or a to-list in Trello.

Or sharing a Wordpress post with twitter, facebook and instagram.

Stuff like that, but I need to know what websites you are using.

Cloud Storage - Amazon, Dropbox, Box, OneDrive and I will be adding Google Drive

Payments - Paypal (adding invoices), Stripe, Braintree and I am thinking of adding and 2Checkout. These will be available in dashboards and reports. ;)

SMS - I already added Twilio for SMS's. Any other SMS services? I think Amazon has one that I could add.

Email - I will be adding Amazon SES, Aweber, GetResponse, GMail. Any other email services you guys use?

Social Media - I have Twitter, Facebook and Instagram... Any others? Maybe Youtube?

Productivity - I was going to add Trello, Google Calender., Google Sheets. I definitely need feedback on how you manage your projects and what you use.

Scripts - these are scripts that are installed on your server. I already have RAP and RAP Pro scripts added. Wordpress of course (maybe some Wordpress addon), but I was also thinking of adding Mautic for a CRM. I don't want to create a API, for a script, like I did for RAP. I just want to use an existing API.

CRM - need some ideas if you are using something like ActiveCampaign or Sales Force.

Customer Service - Are you using anything like Zendesk for customer service?

ECommerce - Ebay, Shopify, Amazon(if there is an api) and possibly Woocommerce (Wordpress).

I really appreciate any help here. I am hoping to add the main services for most people and then will add some more later on.



Mel Bel

Super Moderator
Staff member
Active Campaign for email, not CRM. (you might add Send Grid too for email, and a lot of people use MailChimp)

Amazon Cloudfront/S3/EC2

JVZoo, Warrior Plus, JVShare, ClickBank, Zaxaa (don't know if any of these can be integrated)

Can't think of any more off the top of my head.

If you could ever integrate those marketplaces though, that would make Smartflo a big deal for the info marketing crowd. lol


Mel Bel

Super Moderator
Staff member
Just as an aside, Thomas, we launch tomorrow at 9 a.m. :) Calling it "Action Taker" software, "7 IM Success Habits" edition.

Over 83 "editions" of the software in the upsells and downsells (different guides, plus videos, plus different versions - non-branding, branding, etc).

We've got some good affiliates too but not everyone has signed up yet. Hoping for more.



Staff member
Just as an aside, Thomas, we launch tomorrow at 9 a.m. :) Calling it "Action Taker" software, "7 IM Success Habits" edition.

Over 83 "editions" of the software in the upsells and downsells (different guides, plus videos, plus different versions - non-branding, branding, etc).

We've got some good affiliates too but not everyone has signed up yet. Hoping for more.


83 editions is incredible. I think you beat me for product development. haha

I have my fingers crossed for you. :) I just checked out your sales page. It looks great and I bet it will sell well. You had me wanting to buy.


Mel Bel

Super Moderator
Staff member
Lol. Thanks Thomas. This makes our 4th product launch using one of your software to create our own software.

1. Product Presto (that was the big revenue generating launch)
2. PLR Manager Pro V2 (Good sales and evergreen, plus lots of great customers who buy, buy, buy from our promotions)
3. Arbitrage Viper - A more complex software. Not as successful as the others, but did pretty well.
4. Action Taker - We'll see how this one does starting tomorrow. :)

Plus that's not counting our "listings" of other software (PLR Manager V1) and stuff we've created and given away as bonuses for commissions.

It's definitely been a rewarding investment in TSB/ESB/Xtreme. :)




Super Moderator
Staff member
Just as an aside, Thomas, we launch tomorrow at 9 a.m. :) Calling it "Action Taker" software, "7 IM Success Habits" edition.

Over 83 "editions" of the software in the upsells and downsells (different guides, plus videos, plus different versions - non-branding, branding, etc).

We've got some good affiliates too but not everyone has signed up yet. Hoping for more.


Well done Mel and Joan,
i concur with Thomas. :D
Sales page looks great. You got an excellent person doing the voice and showing the features in the presentation video. Very professional.
I think it will do really well. :) You both are action takers , not to mention your software lol.
You (or Joan) do have ESB Expert as well? I ask because it'd be EASY to create the scripts that will download and import from your
sources into Arbitrage Viper. You could revamp as AV2 with a tons of Automation updates. I can give you some examples of which
you'd get anyway but wont help you if you don't have Expert. Let me know.
Sorry Mel, i noticed you asked a few features etc in ESB Wishlist so you do have it then. ok,good.ignore question.
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Well-known member
Hi Thomas,
Great idea, I've been thinking about API's a lot lately so very timely!

Here are services I use below. Thanks!

Amazon, Dropbox, Pcloud, Google Drive

Paypal, Stripe,

Twilio voice and SMS

Amazon SES, Aweber, GMail

Zapier, Integromat

Twitter, Facebook, youtube, yelp, Google My Business, Telegram

Google Calender, Google Sheets


Ebay, Amazon, Woocommerce

whois, domain registrars like Godaddy and Namesilo

Mel Bel

Super Moderator
Staff member
Well done Mel and Joan,
i concur with Thomas. :D
Sales page looks great. You got an excellent person doing the voice and showing the features in the presentation video. Very professional.
I think it will do really well. :) You both are action takers , not to mention your software lol.
You (or Joan) do have ESB Expert as well? I ask because it'd be EASY to create the scripts that will download and import from your
sources into Arbitrage Viper. You could revamp as AV2 with a tons of Automation updates. I can give you some examples of which
you'd get anyway but wont help you if you don't have Expert. Let me know.
Sorry Mel, i noticed you asked a few features etc in ESB Wishlist so you do have it then. ok,good.ignore question.

Thanks Robbie!

Nope, I don't have Expert yet. I just like giving my opinion where it don't matter. LOL. :)

Yeah, the video guy is Kory. He's one of the very few guys who offers to take a software program, learn about it, and then create tutorials with it. He did all the video tutorials for JVShare and several big launches.


P.S. I better quit posting about my launch here. I'll post some updates on another thread when things get going.


Staff member
Hi Thomas,
Great idea, I've been thinking about API's a lot lately so very timely!

Here are services I use below. Thanks!

Amazon, Dropbox, Pcloud, Google Drive

Paypal, Stripe,

Twilio voice and SMS

Amazon SES, Aweber, GMail

Zapier, Integromat

Twitter, Facebook, youtube, yelp, Google My Business, Telegram

Google Calender, Google Sheets


Ebay, Amazon, Woocommerce

whois, domain registrars like Godaddy and Namesilo

Awesome and thanks for that Mark. It gave me a few new ones and let's me know I am adding a few that people are actually using. haha I just don't want to spend a lot of time integrating websites that very few people use.

I have nightmares of api's now. :)



Well-known member
Hi Thomas,
How about some financial services specially forex related and some others too, like stocks and futures. Retrieving some daily and intraday data importing.
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Staff member
Hi Thomas,
How about some financial services specially forex related and some others too, like stocks and futures. Retrieving some daily and intraday data importing.

Hey Eyasu!

Cool idea. Any particular websites with a api I can tap into?



Well-known member
Awesome and thanks for that Mark. It gave me a few new ones and let's me know I am adding a few that people are actually using. haha I just don't want to spend a lot of time integrating websites that very few people use.

I have nightmares of api's now. :)


Sure thing Thomas! Agree, no need to have nightmares integrating something that no one will use! :)


Super Moderator
Staff member
Interspire Email Marketer, the script that always gets thrown out with the bathwater
but is more powerful than most household name autoresponders... best thing is, it's self-hosted.
Has an API I believe.

Hi Stewart,
VERY long time, no see :D Hope your well.
Im making something similar to that in ESB. If a list is a few hundred the esb app would handle it easy.
It would use the automation server running in the background. Ill paste a couple shots here.
I am just waiting on a fix for one issue but i think i will make the video to show what it can do and post it here.
I posted elsewhere (wrong place here) but it has customers imported from other lists, you can choose what account to
use to send emails, its inbuilt with colorful html email templates and other goodies. So once its done will upload
it to those who ask. I don't think ill post it here...if someone wants it i will email it. Ill get this video & images done ASAP.

A few image examples: & &



Staff member
Interspire Email Marketer, the script that always gets thrown out with the bathwater but is more powerful than most household name autoresponders... best thing is, it's self-hosted.

Has an API I believe.

Great to see you Stewart and thanks for the recommendation. :)

Is there a lot of people using Interspire? I looked at the api and it looks like they are going old school with the xml. haha
