Testing a new Web Automation framework


Staff member
I'll be testing out a new automation framework. Supposedly it is better at waiting for elements, on the web page, to appear and be interactive. A big issue with what I am using is waiting for webpage elements, like buttons, to appear. It's just awkward. This new framework has it all built in so I won't have to handle it myself.

Seems pretty easy. And it installs all the files required to run the browsers when it is ran. So another thing I don't need to keep track of. Automates Chrome, Edge, Firefox...

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Staff member
the fact it will automate with all the browsers is definately a plus βœ…οΈ

Current framework does as well. I'll still be using Chrome as it's the most used browser.

I built a automation scraper for my sister and the site was so slow. A miserable experience. I had to slow the program down quite a bit as the website wasn't loading fast enough. Really bad website design.

It was so painful that I started looking for alternatives. lol It was just too much work for someone else with no programming knowledge.

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Super Moderator
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a guess there's a way in the automation actions to wait until "status code of 200" is returned and then continue on from there? or is the whole site so horribly made? I haven't checked automation yet as want to focus on testing the api as well, now that I am moved in with my sister to save πŸ’° πŸ€‘ lol


Staff member
a guess there's a way in the automation actions to wait until "status code of 200" is returned and then continue on from there? or is the whole site so horribly made? I haven't checked automation yet as want to focus on testing the api as well, now that I am moved in with my sister to save πŸ’° πŸ€‘ lol

Many websites will load content or elements without refreshing the page. Like setting a date and clicking a button will load a table without refreshing the whole page. So we have to wait until the table or some other element is available before we can interact with it. It becomes a waiting game when it comes to web automation.

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Staff member
Ok, so I started to play with this new web automation framework today.

It will install the necessary browser and other files it needs to run the automation. Unfortunately, there is a command prompt that opens when it installs the necessary files. I haven't seen a way to bypass the command prompt from showing. Ideally, I wish it would run in the background. I could pop up a window saying some requirements need to be installed so the user doesn't get freaked out with a command prompt popping up and downloading stuff. lol

Or I could add the necessary files in our installation. The downside to this would be the size increase of our setup files. It will add an additional 300 mb to our setup files. I'm not crazy about that size of an increase to be honest.

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Mel Bel

Super Moderator
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Command prompt popping up is no big deal. I've seen several software do that. But some window saying requirements need to be installed would be fine also. :)



Staff member
Command prompt popping up is no big deal. I've seen several software do that. But some window saying requirements need to be installed would be fine also. :)


I think a Dialog saying requirements need to be installed with a "Ok", "Cancel" button would make people feel more comfortable. Not sure which is why I posted.



Super Moderator
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I asked chatgpt v4 πŸ˜† this is what it came up with:

Yes, you can hide the command prompt window when running a script or command from an application. One way to achieve this is to use VBScript to wrap your script or command. Here's how you can do it: 1. Create a new text file and rename the extension from ".txt" to ".vbs" (e.g., `HideCMD.vbs`). 2. Edit the file with a text editor (e.g., Notepad) and paste the following code: ```vbs Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") WshShell.Run "cmd.exe /c your-command-here", 0, True ``` Replace `your-command-here` with the actual command or script you want to run. Save the file. 3. Call the VBScript file from your application or other places instead of directly calling the command or script. When you run the VBScript file, it will execute the specified command or script without showing the command prompt window. Note that this method works for simple commands or scripts. If you're working with more complex cases, you may need to adjust the VBScript code accordingly.


Super Moderator
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I know, just like how it seems to have an answer for most things.
came beat the real you πŸ˜†

Mel Bel

Super Moderator
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Even with Excel formulas, I usually have to ask ChatGPT 3 or 4 times before it finally gives me the correct formula. It will be like "Oh, sorry. It looks like (whatever) is wrong. Try this". (Fix doesn't work), then: "Sorry for the mistake. It seems the brackets were left out of this section. Try this.", etc.,

It's like asking help from a virtual assistant who partied all night and has a terrible hangover. :)



Staff member
Working on moving over to this new Web Automation framework. It has a ton of options. Still testing.

Has options built in to upload files!

I would wait on any Web Automation in the current version. It will probably change and won't be compatible.



Staff member
what's your opinion of it? does it work well and easier to select elements, things like that? sounds great anyway...

The only testing I did was opening up a webpage to see if I could package it into our installations. I wanted to see how and what it installed when it was ran.

I am writing up the automation interactions for this framework right now. Only taking me a couple of hours to build it and it helps me learn the framework by doing it this way. This framework sure has a lot more options on how we can select elements. All built in so I don't have to come up with workarounds like in the previous framework. I never really liked how the previous framework worked.

The IFrame stuff looks super simple. Get the IFrame and use it to automate the elements within that IFrame. I don't think it really ever worked well in our current setup.

I'm going to use this to automate that program I did for my sister. If it automates that, without me having to manually slow it down, then it's most definitely a keeper.

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Super Moderator
Staff member
that DOES sound awesome πŸ‘Œ πŸ‘ πŸ‘
This framework sure has a lot more options on how we can select elements. All built in so I don't have to come up with workarounds like in the previous framework.
definately worth working through, sounds like it was meant to be lolπŸ˜€


Super Moderator
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hey.. πŸ˜†
it says you just thumb up my post now... it's 2am there.
go to bed sir, or I'm going to smack youπŸ€£πŸ˜„


Staff member
Yeah, it's looking like I will be switching over to this new framework. It's pretty sweet. I just have to figure out how to incorporate it into the Automation. May take some tweaking. lol

Unfortunately, it won't be backwards compatible. So any web automation should be deleted from the scripts before upgrading to the next version, which I am hoping will include this new framework.



Staff member
Finally figured out how to run this within our automation program. I converted the program I created for my sister and it's working great now. Had to sort out some issues, but really happy with this. Seems a lot faster and the results are more consistent. I don't need to manually slow things down like I did in the original program.
