Testing a new Web Automation framework


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Hey Thomas, without being specific(in regards to your sister) what type of things were you automating for her? does she have a website and your backing it up, uploading her files, scraping some data and importing it in? I'm just wondering as your saying that is faster and you don't have to slow it down so it'd be interesting to see what it means. With the scraping, say, from Google results that you did a few years ago, I wonder how that does compares to now? ButDerrinallum sounds great and glad that your able to incorporate it into automation. .. this builder is becoming a monster lol ๐Ÿฅณ


Staff member
Hey Thomas, without being specific(in regards to your sister) what type of things were you automating for her? does she have a website and your backing it up, uploading her files, scraping some data and importing it in? I'm just wondering as your saying that is faster and you don't have to slow it down so it'd be interesting to see what it means. With the scraping, say, from Google results that you did a few years ago, I wonder how that does compares to now? ButDerrinallum sounds great and glad that your able to incorporate it into automation. .. this builder is becoming a monster lol ๐Ÿฅณ

Scraping court schedules for a list of judges on a local government site. My sister is a lawyer/supervisor so she needed to know what cases her and her team were scheduled for during the week.

It took my sister a very long time to do it by hand.

Had to grab links to all the judges schedules. Something like 8 or so judges for her area. Then loop through the links, one by one, in order to get the specific Judge's schedule. It has a date field at the top of the page, so I needed to set that field to Monday (of the week) and click enter. The cases will show up in a table. I scraped the table looking for specific letters, within the case number, and then click the next button to load the next day. There can be multiple rows for the same case number so I had to combine the data when the case number was the same into one row. Keep doing it until the script reaches Saturday. When that happens, I go to the next judge and repeat.

I save all cases and the names of the people/organizations to a database. It all shows up in the grid we typically use so she can search for specific cases throughout the week.

I also included a way for her to save everything to a spreadsheet so she can share with her coworkers. It creates a spreadsheet with tabs for each Judge. So my sister can click on the tab, with the judges name, and get the list of cases for that judge.

The website is slow when loading the cases. It also doesn't refresh the whole page. Only refreshes the table which made it harder to know when the data was ready for me to scrape. So clicking the next button required me to wait for the table to load with new data. I had to add specific waits (tells the script to wait for a certain amount of time) throughout my script in order to get it to work. The new framework was much easier. I think I had to add one wait action in order to insure the cases were loaded. Pretty good compared to like 3 to 4 in the older framework. Old version took close to 10 minutes to run. New version around 3 minutes.

Yeah, I like where we are headed. I hated the original web automation and needed to do something about it. Feels good. lol

I see some major money to be made from creating automation programs like this for small businesses. I was just telling a friend that I may build a consultancy business around automation with ESB. This should be steady cashflow as the businesses will always need you to tweak the program if a site changes or their requirements change (which seems to be a lot).

Most people will not want to build a program with ESB, but they would definitely buy one made for them.

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Super Moderator
Staff member
Thanks for the awesome amount of details... that actually helps a lot at least your sister is bets tester for it but that opens up the possibility for other lawyers to want the same thing. And it shows a good case in where the automation saves them so much time... next you'll be adding the actions to email her and her colleagues . I'm surethis post has helped a few as well and gives them ideas too ๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ˜‰


Staff member
Thanks for the awesome amount of details... that actually helps a lot at least your sister is bets tester for it but that opens up the possibility for other lawyers to want the same thing. And it shows a good case in where the automation saves them so much time... next you'll be adding the actions to email her and her colleagues . I'm surethis post has helped a few as well and gives them ideas too ๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ˜‰

There are tons of Youtube "how to" videos out there. When time permits, I'm going to start checking out more to see if some of those "How To" can be automated. The videos will show you if there is demand by checking out the amount of views. If the views are high, that means people are looking to learn and would be open for a automation program to do it for them.

Build the program and create some Youtube videos showcasing it. Use the same terms in the original video. Hopefully Youtube will show your videos to the ones that watched the original.



Staff member
I started cleaning house on the new Web Automation. I don't think a lot of the previous actions are going to be used so I removed them to try and make this as easy as possible. Too many options just confuses people. Especially me. lol

Most of the time we will just be scraping, clicking, typing in text, selecting drop down options, upload/download a file, screenshots on most sites.

I don't see much else that is needed unless anyone else want to chime in.

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Super Moderator
Staff member
Did you mean these? --> https://prnt.sc/cJ_mt3J5P7LE
In the automation 'addon' section? Isn't document, spreadsheet, text, files, and folders for Windows interactions?
I can see that browser (actions) in automation would not be needed as this new one can do all that easier.
I agree... there's a ton of stuff i haven't even looked at .

In simple terms the actions that interact AFTER we have web-scaped like putting some of that data into a sheet, extracting content from a scaped page on our desktop and saving the edited file in a folder and uploading to a cloud via API..., do things like that which are inside windows, that's still in there?
I don't know if I'm on the right page? Sorry if I'm confused,lol.


Staff member
I'm only talking about Browser(web) Automation. The automation of web sites. We still need some of the Browser actions, but many are being removed.

I can take all that other stuff out if you want. lol

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Staff member
Originally we had to know if a text field, button or other html element was within a IFrame in order to be able to interact with it. I think I figured out a way that we don't need to worry about IFrames at all. In this new version, I will have it go through all the IFrames to check if the element is in there.

Pretty excited how this is coming along.

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Super Moderator
Staff member
yeah, i had no end of trouble with Amazon and Etsy..so can't wait to try it as i am sure it will work way better too.

I can take all that other stuff out if you want. lol
Have you seen a grown man CRY ๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿคฃ
If you are excited that is a REAL good sign ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿฅณ๐Ÿ‘


Staff member
I hated the original web automation and had always wanted to redo it. It just wasn't consistent or easy no matter how much time and effort I put into it. When you put in that much work and it still stinks it sort of deflates you. Probably why I am excited at seeing things finally progress.



Super Moderator
Staff member
Is the learning curve easier to get to grips with on the new one...kinda self-explanatory?
You may not need to do a helpdoc


Staff member
Is the learning curve easier to get to grips with on the new one...kinda self-explanatory?
You may not need to do a helpdoc
From your perspective, it should work the same way.

Click on a text field and select the enter text option. That is the flow. Not sure how to make that easier for everyone.

Behind the scenes is where it changed.
