Update on new ESB 4.0


Staff member
As you may already know, this is a big rewrite (yet again!) which is why this release will be bumped up to 4.0.

I am currently testing those database changes that I made. If you don't know, I updated the software for me to more easily change databases since we are looking to put our automation online. The current database, while good for standalone programs we currently sell, isn't ideal for online. We will be able to target MySql, Postgres and Microsoft Sql Server for our online databases. This definitely broke a few things which is why it is taking longer to finish.

With the way technology is going, there is a very good chance that we will be able to run our automation on linux webservers. There is an open source project that is working towards updating our automation tech to run on Linux. With that in mind, I am also going through my code to make sure we will be able to take advantage of this if it does become a possibility. I do believe it will be a possibility so I wanted to be prepared for this right now. That means a little reorganization of code to make it happen. This isn't a rewrite. I just need to reorganize the code to make sure I separate out the Windows features into separate files. We can't use some of the automation actions, like dialogs, on Linux. Those features that only run on Windows needs to be separated.

I almost forgot to add... On Windows we will be targeting the .net framework 4.8. This will be the latest and greatest version. We can do this now that Windows 7 has been discontinued. I will incorporate this into our installations. The 4.8 framework will be the last version on Windows which makes it easier for us since we don't have to worry about migrating to different versions after this release.

The last thing I would like to announce is the retirement of EasySoftwareBusiness.com website. I will be putting all products on the ProfitTigerSystems.com website. I don't see a need to have multiple websites since the same features is used across may different programs.


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Staff member
I seemed to have also forgot to mention that we will no longer be supporting 32 bit. Microsoft is ending 32 bit support for Windows machines. They will only be supporting 64 bit. That means we will follow their lead by building all our software for 64 bit. Currently they are all built for 32 bit.

Honestly, I don't think I purchased a computer that wasn't 64 bit for 10 or so years.



Super Moderator
Staff member
Thats great new all-round :) Looking forward to it. :D
Me too...i don't think i touched a 32bit anything..in a long time haha.


Staff member
Thats great new all-round :) Looking forward to it. :D
Me too...i don't think i touched a 32bit anything..in a long time haha.

The automation scripts will need to be created on Windows but we should be able to run them on Linux. Really hoping for this one. UIPath is leading the open source project since they have a vested interest due to using the same tech that we use. I just need to test the open source project out but won't do that until we get this release done. That is why I want to break out all the Windows stuff into separate files right now so I can tackle that right away when I work on the cloud version.



Super Moderator
Staff member
I hear ya.
I'm just checking out some UIPath YT vids...see what the fuss is about and how we can take some of that pie. Long weekend is coming up next and i myself want to finish this plugin too, myself so i can dive in to some more research and ideas i have. It will be worth the wait ^_^



Staff member
Biggest difference is UIPath has desktop automation. It can take over your computer and open programs, set fields and so on. It looks like they target companies that use a lot of SAP. Big companies because SAP isn't cheap. haha

I also think Microsoft purchased WinAutomation to compliment it's cloud-based automation with desktop features. These companies are going after the corporate world which is something I was never interested in to be honest. I'd rather go after the small business owner.

Oh, I also plan on adding ocr to the automation. ;) Probably Tesseract OCR https://github.com/tesseract-ocr/tesseract

Have a great weekend! We had a long weekend last week. Not that it mattered because I still worked. haha


Mel Bel

Super Moderator
Staff member
With regard to UIPath, I've noted smaller businesses are using it for different Excel automations on the freebie plan UIPath gives, plus some use it for scraping data (community edition, I think the free plan is called - haven't experimented with it in a while, so I'm not sure).

Whatever is good long term for ESB and the rest sounds like a good plan to me. :) Might as well get the hard stuff worked out now.

Thanks for the update, Thomas. :)



Staff member
With regard to UIPath, I've noted smaller businesses are using it for different Excel automations on the freebie plan UIPath gives, plus some use it for scraping data (community edition, I think the free plan is called - haven't experimented with it in a while, so I'm not sure).

Whatever is good long term for ESB and the rest sounds like a good plan to me. :) Might as well get the hard stuff worked out now.

Thanks for the update, Thomas. :)


We have all of that stuff in our automation!

I think the real money will be "done for you automation". Most people will not want to set something up themselves. They will want us to set it up for them. Look at how SENuke did when it first came out. Made a ton of money. Those software programs on warriorforum probably make a lot of money as well and I doubt they are really worth it from what I have seen.

I said this in a previous post, but companies are paying people up to 100 an hour to set up UIPath and AutomationAnywhere automation scripts. That demand will only increase. It wouldn't take a lot of clients to make a lot of money if one were to go the consultant route.

Demand for automation has increased during this pandemic and I think this pushed companies to jump in now rather than later. :) I'm really excited about it. Just need to get this done! haha

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Staff member
With the way technology is going, there is a very good chance that we will be able to run our automation on linux webservers.

After doing a lot of research this past weekend this is looking more and more likely. Very excited from what I have read! I just need to get some time to test it out for myself.



Staff member
On top of adding MySql, PostgreSQL and MSSqlServer databases... I just updated our current database software. I haven't tested it yet, but it should be a lot faster and we can use it on Linux. Should hold up to 4 terabytes! I don't think most of us will be using it on Linux instead of MySql, PostgreSQL or MSSql. I may use it as a means to store some config data instead of using a file since it will be encrypted and password protected.

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Staff member
I don't think most of us will be using it on Linux instead of MySql, PostgreSQL or MSSql. I may use it as a means to store some config data instead of using a file since it will be encrypted and password protected.

After thinking about this, I think this is what I will do in order for us to license our installations. If you want to sell a automation solution that your customers can install on their own Linux server (the servers will need .net core installed), then we need to save the license activation's in a way that would keep the customers from hacking it. This will work perfectly!

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Super Moderator
Staff member
".......need to save the license activation's in a way that would keep the customers from hacking it. This will work perfectly! ...."
Will this affect my plugin? Do i need to change anything?



Well-known member
Is your plugin functional for use. I am way behind. Will Tom's activation addition or on its own? will see.


Staff member
".......need to save the license activation's in a way that would keep the customers from hacking it. This will work perfectly! ...."
Will this affect my plugin? Do i need to change anything?


Nope, it shouldn't change your script. This will just store the license url that the software will use to call your script and when it was last called. We don't want our users access to that stuff so we need to store it in an password protected way. Otherwise they could bypass the call to your licensing script.

We got hit with a storm and have been without electric for a couple days. If I don't respond then that means my phone ran out of battery. It should be back up and running tomorrow. It keeps changing so cross your fingers and toes.


Staff member
Well, I finally got all components purchased and updated. It only cost me around $4,000. :eek:

Now I need to get this out and start making some of that money back as I am sure many of you are ready as well! Hopefully these updates will give us a boost in performance and smoother UI interactions.



Super Moderator
Staff member
WOW:rolleyes:😬:oops: those modules are expensive. agree with ya.
Thank you...doesn't quite make it. Appreciate all your hard word ( and spend) and i know it will
come around back at you in full measure as this covid thing has caused many businesses to search for online solutions so this IS coming at the right time. :) Thanks again, your a legend 😊



Staff member
WOW:rolleyes:😬:oops: those modules are expensive. agree with ya.
Thank you...doesn't quite make it. Appreciate all your hard word ( and spend) and i know it will
come around back at you in full measure as this covid thing has caused many businesses to search for online solutions so this IS coming at the right time. :) Thanks again, your a legend 😊


Thanks Robbie! I wouldn't be putting that type of money into this software if I didn't totally believe it will make us all a ton of money. Nor working on it for 10+ years now. I normally don't talk about these types of investments but wanted to highlight that I am heavily invested into making this software work for all of us. Even if it takes me awhile to get out the updates. :)



Super Moderator
Staff member
I hear ya Pal...If you run the Extreme or premium plr as a special again (EOYS haha) to help with some $ offset let me know or PM me links...at least i can help that way as tax time is coming up and no better time than to spend a bit on YOU now hey (like I can't get to the Philippines....yet! ) 😁🤫😊 haha.