Update on new ESB 4.0


Staff member
Yes. I don't have any C# scripts right now, but I'm saying "yes" to it anyway. :)

But why C# specifically, Thomas? ESB is in C++, right? What about VB also?


All my programs are built with C#. VB is a possibility. I already generate code within the background using C# so adding it to automation shouldn't be a problem. I'd assume VB would work similar.


Mel Bel

Super Moderator
Staff member
Ah, Ok. I don't know why I thought everything was C++.

Yes, that would be great to have the ability to use our own C# scripts. I don't know programming or scripting, but that would allow us to hire out for some specialty scripts, I suppose, when needed. :)



Staff member
Still testing. It is going slow since I updated everything. It should start speeding soon. It always starts out slow!

Anyway, I was wondering if anyone has thoughts on adding a chat bot to our programs. I'd have to play around with it after I get everything tested and documented, but the idea is interesting. I'm just not sure what everyone would use it for.

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Mel Bel

Super Moderator
Staff member
Yes, interested. Could use it for live support and selling people on some upgrades, etc right within the software.

Don't know how you would pull it off, but for sure it would be useful, Thomas.

Thanks! :)


Staff member
Yes, interested. Could use it for live support and selling people on some upgrades, etc right within the software.

Don't know how you would pull it off, but for sure it would be useful, Thomas.

Thanks! :)

The chat interface shouldn't be difficult to add. It looks like we could connect it to Microsoft and Google bots. Maybe even run automation scripts through this chat. 🤔



Staff member
I am still testing! This is pretty much a completely new version and everything has to be tested again. It sure made me remember how much stuff we have built over the past years. Unfortunately, it isn't going very smoothly. Typically testing picks up and goes faster after a certain point. Still trying to get to that point! haha

Thank you for your patience!

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Staff member
I swear, after upgrading and reorganization... it seems everything is broken. :eek:

Anyway, another update. Kanbans have been added to Professional and Expert. You will also notice some sweet updates that will be pushed out to all programs with Kanban features.


If you have any existing projects, I could use a copy of them to test out conversions from the older version to this newer one.

Shoot me an email or pm with a download link if you can help a brother out. :)




Super Moderator
Staff member
Sorry man. I got nothin. Never got the hang of Kanban yet.:unsure: But I also haven't spent much time with any of it either. My winter projects.


Staff member
Finally got this working!

A big issue when testing programs created with the new ESB features is saving account information. You could be creating REST programs or adding forms to interact with your website databases. You will need to test it out with your accounts to see if they are working. This is a nightmare because you may forget to delete your accounts before creating your setup file. Then everyone you sell your programs too has your account information!

Example: You want to grab email recipients from Aweber and add them to your local database. So you create your program and automation scripts to do just that. In order to test, you need to test using your Aweber account and your local database name, host, username and password.

Previously, you would need to make sure to delete those accounts otherwise all the customers will get access to those accounts since they were stored in the project file. Now they are stored on your computer and not in the project file. So no need to delete those accounts.

It took me awhile, but I was able to set this up so any accounts you create will be stored on your local computer and not in the project file. That way you won't have to worry about deleting those records. And it will make it easier to test enhancements since you don't need to add and remove accounts when you want to create a setup file.

Hopefully this makes sense. I felt this was extremely important to get done.


Mel Bel

Super Moderator
Staff member
Yes, that is important. We always test everything and not having to delete our info will save a lot of time and worry. Great! :)



Staff member
Yes, that is important. We always test everything and not having to delete our info will save a lot of time and worry. Great! :)


I couldn't release this version without it. No matter how safe we try to be, there will be a time when we forget and then our online accounts and websites would be vulnerable.



Well-known member
Hi Thomas,

Thank you for the update and yes it is very important to get this sort it out so we don't have to worry about deleting account info before releasing it to our customers.

Thank you again for thinking about security and ensuring it is taken care of.



Super Moderator
Staff member
whoa...i noticed that too. And i did the same thing. I had to go in and delete MY working email accounts and just put in fake example ones.
So that is a relieving bit of news because i know me and i would forget. May need to reset my brain lol.
Thanks T