Update on new ESB 4.0


Super Moderator
Staff member
Well, I finally got all components purchased and updated. It only cost me around $4,000. :eek:
They say you gotta spend money to make money ;) . Personally I spend it but never make it back :unsure:, but I'm gonna work on that.

I've been with you a long time Thomas and I have never doubted your commitment to your software and to everyone here. You've spent a lot of time not only on development, but on helping us out on the forum as well. Pretty sure everybody here appreciates your dedication.

Mike M.


Staff member
They say you gotta spend money to make money ;) . Personally I spend it but never make it back :unsure:, but I'm gonna work on that.

The spending is more fun!

You've spent a lot of time not only on development, but on helping us out on the forum as well. Pretty sure everybody here appreciates your dedication.

Thanks! My favorite part of of the job.



Staff member
I will be removing the Analysis add-on since we have the more powerful dashboards. The analysis add-on was before the dashboards. Unless anyone objects.

I also don't see the need to keep the KPI due to having the dashboards. It looks sort of redundant just like the Analysis add-on. I'd like to get rid of that as well if no one is using it.



Staff member
Has anyone been using the Tree Form? It looks like there may be significant changes that I may need to make in order to make this available on Linux. I've already added code to save the index of each node. Meaning, when your user changes the position of a record it will save that position. My main concern is keeping it backwards compatible if people are using it. If not then backwards compatibility isn't a big deal.

Thanks for all the feedback. It really helps be clean out the stuff that we aren't using which makes it easier for me to manage everything else.



Staff member
Varly Nice! I had a feeling most wouldn't be using it. It will save me some grief not having to worry about backwards compatibility.


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Staff member
The Tree Form has been my nemesis for quite some time. I'm not sure why I have such difficulties with it, but I do know it hates me with a passion.



Well-known member
I have not used it yet. So, no backward issues but, I would like to have that option for future projects


Staff member
I have not used it yet. So, no backward issues but, I would like to have that option for future projects

JIM, are you referring to the Tree Form? If so, then rest assure they are not going away. I use them in other projects but had to make alot of changes in order to get them to work better.



Staff member
I will be removing the Zip Exe automation script actions. They only work on Windows and I don't really think anyone will be using them over the standard zip file format.



Staff member
Got my project broken up into groups. One group is Windows only and the other will work (possibly) on Windows and Linux. This was seriously confusing in how we are suppose to build software that will run on both Linux and Windows. Crazy confusing!

So I decided to stick with the Windows version instead of taking more time away from getting this released. At least I now have an idea of what I need to change and where to start. I won't know until I am able to test on Linux. I don't imagine a Linux Automation Server until next year. Just a lot to figure out and test. It was definitely a good idea to go through the project like I did. Not only will it keep me from having to rewrite code, but it also allowed me to clean house. :)

Now I need to do some testing!


Mel Bel

Super Moderator
Staff member
Yes. I don't have any C# scripts right now, but I'm saying "yes" to it anyway. :)

But why C# specifically, Thomas? ESB is in C++, right? What about VB also?
